General Discussions => Chat => Frequently asked questions => Java => Topic started by: debbee on May 12, 2006, 09:32:25 PM Return to Full Version

Title: When i log in why does my Nick change to Guest*****?
Post by: debbee on May 12, 2006, 09:32:25 PM
Q: When i log in why does my Nick change to Guest****

A: This happens because the server did not recieve your identification command for you nick or the incorect password was used. You identify for you nick by clicking on the word identify in the black panel to the left of chat. A popup window will show and you type your password in and click OK. If this is unsuccesful Check that your caps lock is not on and try the pasword again

    You will see the following message in chat window when everything is correct         
                                            Password accepted - you are now recognized