General Discussions => General discussions => Fun and Games => Topic started by: annajasmine on March 25, 2008, 03:15:49 PM Return to Full Version

Title: What Muse Are You?
Post by: annajasmine on March 25, 2008, 03:15:49 PM
Your Inner Muse is Melpomene


You are most like this muse of tragedy.
While you aren't depressed, you don't shy away from sadness.
Although you do tend to be gloomy, you have a sensitive side.
And this sensitive side helps inspire and help others.

Title: Re: What Muse Are You?
Post by: Constance on March 25, 2008, 03:20:41 PM
Your Inner Muse is Euterpe

You are most like this muse of music.
While you may or may not be musical...
You love music and set life to your own personal soundtrack.
And you are good at making anyone's heart sing!
Title: Re: What Muse Are You?
Post by: debbie j on March 25, 2008, 07:17:32 PM
Your Inner Muse is Euterpe

You are most like this muse of music.<br />
While you may or may not be musical... <br />
You love music and set life to your own personal soundtrack.<br />
And you are good at making anyone's heart sing!

<a href="">What Muse Are You?</a>
Title: Re: What Muse Are You?
Post by: Moira Midnigh on April 01, 2008, 04:51:31 PM
Your inner Muse is Thalia.

You are most like this playful muse of comedy.
Life is all about laughter to you, and you're a natural comic.
You make people laugh until their sides split.
And you're always up for some play time!

Title: Re: What Muse Are You?
Post by: fluffy jorgen on April 01, 2008, 05:23:37 PM
Your Inner Muse is Melpomene
You are most like this muse of tragedy.
While you aren't depressed, you don't shy away from sadness.
Although you do tend to be gloomy, you have a sensitive side.
And this sensitive side helps inspire and help others.

Title: Re: What Muse Are You?
Post by: tinkerbell on April 01, 2008, 09:29:53 PM
Your Inner Muse is Urania


You are most like this muse of astronomy.
Your head is in the stars, and you look to the future.
You give off a heavenly, mysterious vibe.
And you're not too bad at predicting the future.

What Muse Are You?

tink :icon_chick:
Title: Re: What Muse Are You?
Post by: Lucy on April 02, 2008, 08:30:53 AM
Your Inner Muse is Melpomene


You are most like this muse of tragedy.
While you aren't depressed, you don't shy away from sadness.
Although you do tend to be gloomy, you have a sensitive side.
And this sensitive side helps inspire and help others.

Title: Re: What Muse Are You?
Post by: MaryT on July 24, 2018, 01:02:23 PM
Your Inner Muse is Urania


"You are most like this muse of astronomy.
Your head is in the stars, and you look to the future.
You give off a heavenly, mysterious vibe.
And you're not too bad at predicting the future."

I did get Sir Patrick Moore to sign books for me on a couple of occasions and I did get to ask him a cosmology related question once.  I have never spent much time looking at the sky, though, even before partial blindness in each eye made telescopes impractical.

I do look to the future but the past is also important to me.

I'm not aware of giving off a "heavenly, mysterious vibe".  Perhaps it's my deodorant.

I am sometimes good at predicting the inevitable, which some people can't for some reason, even when they can see a proverbial truck rushing towards them. 

On a number of occasions, I think that I did surprise colleagues or family members by correctly predicting that news stories would turn out to be incorrect.  For example, a news story claimed that Kosovan Serbs were burning the homes of Albanians and I correctly told my colleagues that the Serbs were actually burning their own homes.  I predicted that a man shot dead by British police would turn out to be totally innocent.  I predicted that a woman found guilty of murdering her children would have the verdict overturned.  I predicted that a man being demonised for allegedly killing his tenant would be vindicated. 

However, no crystal ball was required, as the broadcasted conclusions of reporters, and sometimes police or judges, are sometimes illogical.  Obviously, I could not have been alone in thinking as I did, or none of the news stories or verdicts could have been corrected.  In the case of the Kosovan Serbs, I explained to colleagues that to predict what "unreasonable" foreigners will do in certain circumstances, they should just ask themselves what their annoying neighbour would do.  There is no point in asking what they would do themselves, as everyone presumes that they would act reasonably.

What Muse Are You? (