General Discussions => Education => Gender Studies => Topic started by: SecondImage on March 26, 2008, 03:03:20 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Help Needed
Post by: SecondImage on March 26, 2008, 03:03:20 PM
Hi everyone I really need some help!! I am getting my Ph.D in Psychology for Transgender therapy. I am not my self a cross-dresser but my husband is. I would really appreciate any help, emails, interviews, personal experiences, anything would be great. Thank you so much in advance.

Title: Re: Help Needed
Post by: lady amarant on March 26, 2008, 03:12:26 PM
Hmmm, I think just trawling through some of the posts on here, especially the blogs, should already be very useful. Pretty-much I use Susans as my journal mre than I use my real proper one. When I'm sad I rant, when I'm happy I joke, and all of it is right here. Feel free to dig.  ;D
Title: Re: Help Needed
Post by: Pica Pica on March 26, 2008, 03:21:26 PM
got anything interesting to tell us that you've learnt in your studies??

Quid Pro Quo Clarice  :)

Also, you interested in androgynes?
Title: Re: Help Needed
Post by: tekla on March 26, 2008, 03:44:48 PM
I will answer whatever I can, provided its taken as just my answer and not a statement on the group, or the whole.
Title: Re: Help Needed
Post by: SecondImage on March 26, 2008, 03:55:56 PM
By the way all answers are for individuals I just want to learn as much as I can the school I am going to in Texas offers NO transgender transsexual gender identity, and they only offer a day on it in my gender studies class. I am hoping to to have some questions up here and my email address so its more personal and confidential.

Pica Pica yes I am interested in androgynes..
Title: Re: Help Needed
Post by: Susan on March 26, 2008, 04:02:40 PM
Please email ( me information I can verify that shows this is not an information fishing attempt. If I can verify this information independently I will ok you asking my users for information until then topic locked. No offense.

We then talked via IM...

Quote[im name removed]:   Hi my name is [name removed], I really did not mean to offend anyone I just would like to be able to talk to different people and get how they came to find out how they feel and how the cope because my school offers very little on the subject. My husband like I said is a cross-dresser and have already helped me so much..

serephinatn:   You didn't offend though usually we require people to email for permission first.

serephinatn:   I just need information I can verify by calling the university that yes you are a student

[im name removed]:   I am sorry I didn't know that

serephinatn:   np

serephinatn:   It's to keep fetishist from gathering personal information from site users. It's not personal

[im name removed]:   ok well let me see what I can do so they well confirm that I am a student FYI I do it online ....I respect that very much

serephinatn:   A professor's name and your name would work so I can call and say is so and so a student

serephinatn:   perferably psych prof

[im name removed]:   ok

serephinatn:   But we do approve requests for scholorly studies

serephinatn:   and use of information on the site

serephinatn:   no fees or requirements are put in place.

serephinatn:   Other than if possible to send us a copy of the final product

serephinatn:   aka study

[im name removed]:   thank you that would be great and I will see if my psych prof well let me give out her phone number

serephinatn:   If possible school name and prof name is fine

[im name removed]:   and I would give you a copy of the study

serephinatn:   That way I can call the switchboard

[im name removed]:   ok

Here is the response I received.

Quote----- Original Message -----
From: [email removed]
Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2008 8:59 PM
Subject: Regarding user "Second Image" and locked thread 'Need Help'

Ms Larson,

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is [name removed] and I am the Husband of your forum user "Second Image". A brief background on myself, I am a 37 year old Crossdresser and former member of the Boulton and Park Society which was founded under the love and guidance of a wonderful Texas couple named [names removed]. I'm sure you've heard of them and the work they have done in the Gender Community.

Second Image, my wife, is attempting to make her way into a career that will hopefully one day allow her to offer council to girls in the Gender community such as you and I and personally I think it's a noble goal as there are so few medical professionals that specialize in our unique needs. In her research to present she has had very limited resources from which to learn and her post was only an attempt to reach out for understanding.

I understand that you seem to wish to protect "your" girls but let's be frank here, we're all adults and quite capable of protecting ourselves. I also don't begrudge you your "web admin" authority but the way you went about it was in my opinion rude and very counter productive to an opportunity for education. Your decision to lock the thread was, in my honest opinion, harsh and an authoritarian response.  I've explained to my wife how some "girls" in the community tend to be and rest assured she will not be asking for further help on "your" forums again.

Thanks for the 2 minutes,

[name removed]

Here is my response
QuoteThat is her choice. The system I put into place is fair for those requesting information and protects the members of the community from being preyed upon. All she had to give me was a school name, her professor's name, and her name. If the professor said yes so and so is a student there would have been no problem at all. The unwillingness demonstrated shows my concerns were justified.

I wish you both well.

Susan Larson
Susan's Place Transgender Resources