Site News and Information => Announcements => Topic started by: Susan on March 30, 2008, 10:38:14 PM Return to Full Version

Title: 792 inactive accounts deleted
Post by: Susan on March 30, 2008, 10:38:14 PM
I went through and deleted inactive accounts today, removing 792 accounts.

An account is inactive if any of the following conditions are met:

  • The account was registered more than 30 days ago, but was never activated.
  • The account had been registered and activated but after more than 30 days the user had not made any posts. These accounts are deleted to free up the name for users who wish to post. You don't need an account to read the forums.
  • The account had not been logged into for over 180 days.

If this affected one of your accounts, I encourage you to re-register it, and become more active in the future. User contributions help to enhance and enrich the community at Susan's Place.

Stats on todays deletions for the curious...

22 Users who registered but did not activate their accounts in 30 days or over.
290  Users who registered and activated, but had not posted any messages in more than 1 month.
480 Users who had posted but did not log into their account for 6 months or more.
1 User who requested their account be deleted
792 Total accounts deleted

Basically, I feel that inactive usernames should be available for people to register that will actually use them. I do this from time to time, so if you want to keep an account, make sure you post now and then!
Title: Re: 792 inactive accounts deleted
Post by: amberwish on May 29, 2008, 12:01:25 AM
Reading this explains what happened to my old account.  I am lucky that I got my old name back. I am glad to be back.
