Community Conversation => Transgender talk => Topic started by: Robyn on May 21, 2006, 04:25:40 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Old Friends
Post by: Robyn on May 21, 2006, 04:25:40 PM
My husband looked around the Live Journal blog area for interesting people near our temporary abode in Northern VA.  He found a trans couple about a half mile from us, and we broke bread together a month ago.

It turned out that one of the women, Marina, had been a member of the NATC Board of Directors about a year before I was elected to the board.  Small world.

Yesterday, we both received email from the current Board Chair saying that she and several other board members were in town for the National Roundtable and pre-meetings with several other GLBT organizations and wouldn't it be nice if we could meet for lunch.

So 5 current and past board members and three spouses had a late brunch in a local Silver Diner.  It was great to see old friends and colleagues and to hear old stories from before my time.  Almost makes me want to volunteer again after retiring again.  Almost.

Probably the first time that diner ever had 8 TS patrons at the same time.  Kewl.

Back to work in the morning. 
