News and Events => Religious news => Topic started by: Shana A on April 11, 2008, 11:09:54 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Calling to the Pope for Compassion
Post by: Shana A on April 11, 2008, 11:09:54 PM
 Calling to the Pope for Compassion

Pope's visit to U.S. stirs reaction from gay community and allies

April 11, 2008 (

On April 15, Pope Benedict the XVI arrives in the U.S. for a week's visit to New York and Washington D.C. This landmark event has prompted many advocates for gay rights to question the Pope on his anti-gay statements, including condemning gay marriage and the use of condoms. Gay Catholics, their supportive parents and allies will gather to ask the Pope to end his campaign against GLBT (gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender) people and implore him to condemn religiously motivated violence against the gay community.