General Discussions => General discussions => ARGHHH! => Topic started by: Haruke on April 15, 2008, 06:01:37 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Death to Bad Exes
Post by: Haruke on April 15, 2008, 06:01:37 PM
My boyfriend of 9+ months dumped me last month. I, at this point, should hear a resounding "ouch"--don't worry. I got it alot when I said it to those who didn't know at that time. It's like, those last couple of weeks, I couldn't keep in touch with reality, or even keep up with everyone else's lives. Despite the fact that I was a very devoted boyfriend to him, he did some really >-bleeped-<ty stuff--and I'm not even gonna tap into how conniving his ex is... argh, the guy has the reasoning skills of a beluga whale. I sometimes wonder how I ever fell in love with him. He hurt me so many times, and I'm willing to kill his memory once and for all. I've been seeing a therapist, 'cause my anger was off the charts, and I actually had anger management issues, and I was constantly emotional.

School's pressuring me, and I've had a death in the family recently, my birthday's in two days, bah... i had so many bad things happen to me last month--it-wasn't--funny. Seriously, if I told you what happened, you'd hate yourself. On another note, I've been speaking with his mother, and I told her just 'cause her >-bleeped-<ing son and I are not together, I wouldn't stop talking to her. This is just as much EARTH for him as it is for me. And I think it's a free->-bleeped-<ing-country that I can talk to his mom. I'm so ready to be over that jack-off. I'm just upset at the fact that I spent almost a year with him, and then he gives me bull>-bleeped-< excuses, and cries on and on, and I'm like "HUH."

When he decided to break up with me---Via EMAIL--(>-bleeped-<ty, i know, right?) He was all like "blaaahblaahhh blahhh school and worrkkk and yayda yadaaaa im so retarded, boohoooo~ ): let's be friends 8D" Well, he can die. in. a. fire.

On a good note, school's almost over. I'd like to meet someone else, who actually lives in my area, but I'm kinda discouraged, because there isn't many people who can accept me for who I am, and support me and >-bleeped-<. It's really hard to find someone like that. *sigh* Almost want to give up on ever finding anyone again. I enjoy my freedom, being single and all... but at the same time, I'd like to be with someone. I'll commend my ex, however. He was the first to invade my life, and crush my heart so well. It wasn't like he was the bad-ass type (because... that's kinda my job), but he was a really sweet guy. >-bleeped-<in' hate it when nice guys like him do terrible >-bleeped-< like what he did.

Guess he's not such a nice guy, after all, huh? Sorry if I'm ranting on and on, here, but there's an outlet here, and I am using it how I saw fit. ): *emoooo* lol