General Discussions => General discussions => ARGHHH! => Topic started by: alyssa on April 17, 2008, 11:48:31 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Down and out
Post by: alyssa on April 17, 2008, 11:48:31 PM
 :( Well where i'm at i just feel like i don't want to go on. i live 50 mile east of atlanta ga. it just seem like there is no help at all. i've looked and looked. if i could just find a group that knows what i'm going through. but it seems that atlanta has not one. i've been going to a psychologist and it has helped a great deal but i feel i need a support group. i just don't think i can go any further unless i do. i'm very down. seem i'll never be happy or whole. trapped inside and can't get out. if any one knows of any help around here it would be a life save.  :'( i so envious of some of you. how luck you are to be where you are at. well at least i know what i am and what i need to work towards now where much of my life i didn't have a clue. good luck to all. love alyssa