General Discussions => Hobbies => Writing => Topic started by: cindybc on April 20, 2008, 05:06:24 AM Return to Full Version

Title: "Agathar"
Post by: cindybc on April 20, 2008, 05:06:24 AM

I WANNA BE on a planet named Agathar. Mauve valleys, purple mountains and fuchsia sky with puffy pink clouds  and, oh, so very awesome, a pretty aqua-colored lake sparkling like a gem in the sunlight.

"Oh my!" There are other little children here, and they have "dragonfly wings" "WOW! Awesome!" I can see them flitting playfully between the mauve trees. There is synchronicity, peace, love, and tranquility throughout the land, the silence and peace only broken by the beautiful chorus of tiny song birds in the valley and the playful, musical laughter of the little children.

The little children with the dragonfly wings dart playfully in and out, and, oh! Will you look over there? On the other side of the valley lies the tranquil lavender surface of a large inland sea with several different layers of densities of water molecules, like oil on water, just lots more different layers. Forests of mauve and green are bordered by fields of dazzling shades of red, gold, orange, blue, amethyst, constantly shifting colors with the light, warm breeze and dappled sunlight. The river systems are a radiant red from the pomegranate sun above.

Distant purple mountains and mauve sky with pink clouds are so pleasant to the eye and soothing to the spirit. Oh, and I can't forget the crystalline, singing waterfalls in the woods that sound like a thousand angels singing harmoniously, in unison with the the energetic pulse of the Mother Planet herself. All around the valley there are giant trees, SO TALL that I fall on my back while looking up at them! The tops disappear into the pink clouds above and if one was to climb up to the top of these giant trees, above the clouds, it is said that you will find the Cadosee, the tiny Hobbit-like people with colorful moth wings. The Cadosee live in small, close-knit villages they built among the intertwining limbs of the giant trees. There they share love, caring, and happiness. "Captain Brighteyes here, calling unknown planet, copy unknown planet? I need your coordinates for landing specifications. What are your instructions? Over!" No response.

Captain Brighteyes is in her quantum-level puddle jumper, now running low on bubaline. She shouts into her communicator that she is "running very low on fuel, coming in for emergency landing, over!!" She fights the controls as she enters the atmosphere. The QLPJ shuddered and rattled like it was about to fall apart at the seams. Brighteyes sees a patchwork landscape of multiple colors below, coming up rapidly towards her before she passes out.

Two Cadosee sitting in front of their grass hut-like home were looking up at the myriad of bright stars when they noticed this streak of white light coming down out of the sky right towards them. The Cadosee ran atop one of the large limbs in the tree that was their home, just as this great white ball crashed through their hut, demolishing it. The white ball continued towards the planet's surface and stopped with a loud crash and a huge cloud of dust.

Well this is part one one of my many stories.

Title: Re: "Agathar"
Post by: offthesidewalk on July 23, 2008, 11:21:26 AM
hey Cindy
wow- Agathar sounds pretty. *smiles*
i want to live there too!
do you have any more.
Title: Re: "Agathar"
Post by: cindybc on July 23, 2008, 03:36:15 PM
Hi and thank you hon. Well it's available for all sentient beings, those who are caring, loving, compassionate and empathic. You can collect your dragon fly wings and ask the interstellar chauffer at st Peter's gate to take you to a turquoise planet in the third quadrant of the Milky Way in the 7th dimension. It's in the same worm hole that takes you to the Delta quadrant, just be watchful for the Borgs and you will be OK.
