General Discussions => General discussions => Topic started by: Susan on June 12, 2005, 07:32:42 PM Return to Full Version

Title: In a perfect world?
Post by: Susan on June 12, 2005, 07:32:42 PM
You are all powerful what one thing would you change about the world.  What would the results be from that change for good and/or ill.

Title: Re: In a perfect world?
Post by: Terri-Gene on June 12, 2005, 10:05:56 PM
Hello Susan.  Yes, I do take life a little to seriously and am generally a little to intense about things, especially if they concern things I have to live with.  It's just a kind of second nature for me and I really do want to just learn to relax a little and smell the roses.

And fun I love, it's just that I can't get into that mood exactly when I want to.  That's what I love about communication.  No matter how sour I am at times, the right people can make me reconnect with myself, for a time at least and I can have incredible fun, but I must always be careful in that because I am emotionally immature, this mixed with  certain ingrained mindsets and habitual reflex taken over by the emotional side can take me where I shouldn't go before I realize for myself I'm where I shouldn't be.  It makes me highly stilted and stiff at times, while sorting out the middle ground, which is the goal, but it is the middle ground I must find before attempting to let the emotional side have full access to my life before I can responsibly handle the privialage.

And I am a very literal person, meaning I respond to words as i have been conditioned to receive them and react to them, and of course most of the world is a little loser in interpetation. What if's arn't a big part of my nature, only what are's and dealing with what is doable, and reasonable to obtain under a given circumstance.

I shouldn't be doing this, but I participate in forums as a learning process in handling these emotions and I thank you for allowing me to do it.  Interaction is a big deal with me, but I have to respect a disipline when doing so among people who don't know me well as a physical being and so sometimes see a very different picture in how I may appear in life as opposed toseen in print. Anyway, all of the above is why I react so differently to different people and ideas, it just depends on how my emotional level is affected by the individual and how I deal with that as well as the issue.

I'm mostly over the "time bomb" mentality of a couple of years past, but I still have a lot of sharp edges needing to be ground off, and particular people help in that as they deal with me.  There are those who I thank dearly for that, as they help to integrate me into a milder environment that is not at all my experience but is now my environment.

For me, forums are a place to learn balance with myself in an environment where others don't necessarily have the same mindsets and so just mirror my own feelings, I need outside of my own environment/background in order to understand the greater invironment around me which doesn't have the immediate intensity of what I am more familiar with.

See?  Did it again.  But I'm learning what to stay away from and keep my 2 cents out of so I don't provoke myself or let pieces of me take over my judgement.

As to discussing a perfect world though, it's just to big a concept as it is composed of all that is around us and how it is used.  Even portions, like say Marxism, which as by Marx is pretty darn good, but it degraded, at least to the western mind, into communism and it's purity became corrupted by human nature, which should have been predictable before it was put into practice.  Or Plato's Utopia, which is an ideal, but how would it work in the actual world of actual real people?

Yeah, I'm to serious about things and my nature makes me take things apart just to see how the pieces fit and relate to each other, Over investigation you might call it.  a compulsary part of my mindset in an attempt to understand a given scene or situation at it's root levels with defined possibilities and impossibilities being recognized, though the seemingly impossible can at times be the fact.

Ok, enough of the internal review,  I see the change in the opening, good you are narrowing it down to a more discussable subject.  I'll just step out and let it go and come in when I see something interesting to me to respond to, I don't want to put everyone to sleep huh?

Just so nobody is confused, I deleted the post Susan was referring to in her quote as she narrowed down the topic considerably, at least to my my mind.  As I took the original, It was just to broad to start with and needed some breaking down, which she has done.

And as she said, have fun with it, don't mind me and my myoptic views, after all, I'm here to learn from you'all, even if I don't or will never agree about some things.

Title: Re: In a perfect world?
Post by: Jamie Lauren on June 12, 2005, 10:14:44 PM
I like some of the ways Douglas Adams put out about this topic.  ^-^

The problem with designing something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of a complete fool.

- Douglas Adams

The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a thing that cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that cannot possibly go wrong goes wrong it usually turns out to be impossible to get at or repair.

- Douglas Adams

In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move. -

- Douglas Adams, "Hitch Hikers Guide To The Galaxy"

Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the Western Spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small unregarded yellow sun. Orbiting this at a distance of roughly ninety-eight million miles is an utterly insignificant little blue-green planet whose ape-descended life forms are so amazingly primitive that they still think digital watches are a pretty neat idea ...

- Douglas Adams, "The Hitchhiker'S Guide To The Galaxy"

And the last one I'll drop here:

God's final message to Creation:
"We apoligize for the inconvenience."

- Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Series
Title: Re: In a perfect world?
Post by: Susan on June 12, 2005, 10:20:09 PM
Quote from: Terri-Gene on June 12, 2005, 10:05:56 PM
As to discussing a perfect world though, it's just to big a concept as it is composed of all that is around us and how it is used.  Even portions, like say Marxism, which as by Marx is pretty darn good, but it degraded, at least to the western mind, into communism and it's purity became corrupted by human nature, which should have been predictable before it was put into practice.  Or Plato's Utopia, which is an ideal, but how would it work in the actual world of actual real people?

What would I change lets see.

I would embed in every human being a feedback system. If someone caused you pain either emotional or physical they would feel it as well. Pretty soon people would learn to stop these harmful and hurtful things they do to each other. The drawback is for things like accidents and injuries caused unintentionally but that could be for the greater good as well as it might lead people to be more cautious and aware of their surroundings.

There see how easy that was Terri-Gene :)

It doesn't have to be even major things like my idea it could be as simple as removing the gender boundaries, allowing people to change their sex or even species at will. Knowing what everyone is thinking about each other as they think it. No one ever being allowed to go hungry, or die needlessly. the ability to fly like a bird or to travel in the blink of an eye. All this is possible in this hypothetical universe and more!
Title: Re: In a perfect world?
Post by: Terri-Gene on June 12, 2005, 10:52:44 PM
your right Susan, of course, and I understand what you mean and is what I am trying to apply to myself, I need to affect changes in the way I think and respond, especially in emotional ways as they have by necessity been repressed for to many decades and I do not understand many that are beginning to come through.  I'm somewhat different in most that I usually learn things from the complex level first and then progress to the basics. so while most are here to familiarize themselves with the complexities, I'm still looking for the basics of personal relationships not having to do with playing for all the marbles.

When I get borish or to self involved, just have a member of the staff give me a swift slap to bring me back on mark.  I always appreciate things that are for my own good.

Thank you seriously

Title: Re: In a perfect world?
Post by: Leigh on June 12, 2005, 10:59:59 PM
If I had that power i would never use it.  Lord of the Rings comes to mind.

If I did it would be an example of what so many would like to do to those who do not match their *ideal*.  Can you imagine jerry foulwell or even worse fraud phelps with that power?

There is no way to exercise that power without denying someone the right to be themselves without interference and that is just wrong.


Title: Re: In a perfect world?
Post by: Terri-Gene on June 12, 2005, 11:04:23 PM
 "If I had that power i would never use it.  Lord of the Rings comes to mind."

Exactly what comes to my mind.  Any "solution" to the worlds problems has its own effects in practicle application.  And of course.... is the reason there is no perfect world and we simply have to deal with the one we are in.

Title: Re: In a perfect world?
Post by: Leigh on June 12, 2005, 11:07:27 PM
If this was meant to be somewhat less than serious I can think of a quite a few things, several of which are extrremely selfish.
Title: Re: In a perfect world?
Post by: Terri-Gene on June 12, 2005, 11:16:00 PM
Well, Susan said to have fun, and it would seem to me that anyones view on this subject would be somewhat selfish, so is there any problem with some speculatory input?
Title: Re: In a perfect world?
Post by: Leigh on June 12, 2005, 11:22:56 PM
Go for it.

You can't run with the big bitches if you pee like a puppy!
Title: Re: In a perfect world?
Post by: Terri-Gene on June 12, 2005, 11:26:19 PM
yeah, it's a little hard to keep your hind legs clean when you don't have the experience for peeing on the run as opposed to a nice clean newspaper.

Title: Re: In a perfect world?
Post by: Dennis on June 13, 2005, 06:24:01 PM
And I would be really rich and look like Brad Pitt.

Title: Re: In a perfect world?
Post by: Celia on June 14, 2005, 06:14:37 PM
Make it better.  I know this answer is subject to the criticism that it is nonspecific, but so what?  If I'm omnipotent, I can simply make it better, whatever that means.

"And Celia said 'Let the World be better'.  And it was."

The results would be everything that follows from Celia the Omnipotent's enhancement of the World.  That's pretty vague, too, I suppose.  If I were omnipotent, I could make myself omnicient so that I might have a better chance of explaining things.  But I'm not, so . . . never mind. ;D

Title: Re: In a perfect world?
Post by: VeryGnawty on June 17, 2005, 11:18:14 PM
Theoretically, if I were omnipotent, I would do nothing.  Anything that I could have done could instantly be changed or reversed at any time without notice, seemingly affecting any time at all times simultaneously.

Therefore, with relative time being of complete unimportance, I would probably never bother with ever changing anything, realizing that it could be changed at a later time with no consequences.

In short, I would not make a very productive God.  Unless, of course, you happen to be a Deist.
Title: Re: In a perfect world?
Post by: Debtv on June 18, 2005, 01:33:17 AM
One thing huh? Thats a tough one. Like a wish? LOL I have plenty of those.

I would make a humans lifetime 250 years. I know for me, I feel at 48 I have just grown out of purbity.

The positive would be...that humans could spend more time as adults! We need more time as adults, to really do the possitive we are capable of. Ever noticed how cool and mellow older folks (over 70)  are?

Our lives are so short...and when we are young and strong...we don't have a clue. LOL

Title: Re: In a perfect world?
Post by: Alison on June 18, 2005, 04:16:22 PM
haha thats iroinic....

I would do the same... seriously lengthen the human lifespan.... but for the reason so people could spend more time as kids.... I mean... humans live to be err... about 80 usually... some die sooner, others later..... you're "adult" by about 20-25..... so 55-60 of those years are spent in the responsability driven stressful adult world..... not nearly enough time is spent as a care-free kid....