General Discussions => General discussions => ARGHHH! => Topic started by: Terra on May 10, 2008, 02:57:04 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Dorms ><
Post by: Terra on May 10, 2008, 02:57:04 PM
Well I finally moved out of my dorm room. To bad that I had to do it mostly by myself as noone who was supposed to help showed up! So now I don't get my deposit back as I missed getting out by 12.

If that wasn't bad enough, not only did I have my dad yelling at me that he had other things to do, but my RA kept coming by to 'check if I was done yet.' So I felt a bit rushed to get done. Finally I get it empty, my stuff moved and my junk tossed and ready to get checked out. As my RA fineshes with e having to sign the papers he mentions that since I didn't clean the floor I get to pay $16 an hour to get them cleaned. Janitors of course get to determine how many hours they worked on it.

I of course balked at this, as not only am I losing my deposit but nobody had mentioned that tibit of info to me. He said that if I had come to the meeting, which I missed because I worked at the school cafateria, then I would have known. Or gotten a packet off his door or in my mail. To bad that I never had seen such a packet on his door or in my mail. >:(

He basically took a 'not my problem' attitude and told me to sign. He wouldn't let me leave untill I did, so I had to. But I plan to express my outrage to his superiors on monday. >:( :icon_pistoles: