Community Conversation => Support groups => Topic started by: tinkerbell on May 19, 2008, 09:47:49 PM Return to Full Version

Title: River City Gems
Post by: tinkerbell on May 19, 2008, 09:47:49 PM
"The River City Gems are a social and support group for crossdressers, their partners, and their families. We are based in Sacramento and have members from all over Northern California and neighboring states."

"Our primary goal is to provide crossdressers and their significant others with opportunities to socialize in a personally affirming, safe, and supportive environment. We also strive to raise awareness of crossdressing and to promote a positive image of our community to business owners, the media, and the general public. But most of all, we like to have fun! The joy we feel in being who we are is captured in our motto, 'Celebrating Feminine Expression'."

"As part of that overall mission and focus, we feel we have a special responsibility to assist those who are in the closet, or are just beginning their search for understanding and self-acceptance. For these girls, a helping hand from a group of caring big sisters can make a world of difference. This is one reason why it is so important that we not shut the door on anyone who needs us. Many crossdressers, when they first reach out to a social or support group, are still struggling to understand their own transgendered feelings. They may not know exactly where they fit within the transgender spectrum, and they need a safe space where they can find themselves. We feel that in order to be supportive of each person's process of self-discovery, we must have a membership policy that embraces all crossdressers, regardless of their reasons for dressing or how they prefer to identify themselves."

"The fact is that many male-to-female transgender people initially come out as crossdressers. Over time, a few will realize that their dressing is motivated by underlying gender identity issues that are different from what most crossdressers feel. Those who go on to identify as transsexual women will most likely find that a crossdressing group like ours cannot address all of their needs, and in that case we can help them connect with other local organizations that can offer more appropriate support. A non-discriminatory membership policy will allow us to welcome those who are questioning, and assist them in finding their path."

"Our annual membership fees are $50 for an individual or $75 for a couple. Dues are prorated for those joining mid-year. You may attend your first two socials or extra events for free as our guest. After that, you have the option of either applying for membership, or continuing to attend as a guest for a door fee of $5 per person, per event. Members do not pay a door fee. Members also enjoy other benefits which will be explained to you at an orientation meeting when you submit your membership application. One hundred percent of funds collected from members go directly to supporting group events, activities, and outreach."

For additional information:  email:

tink :icon_chick: