Community Conversation => Transitioning => Gender Correction Surgery => Topic started by: lovely2008 on June 11, 2008, 08:58:34 AM Return to Full Version

Title: trachea shave
Post by: lovely2008 on June 11, 2008, 08:58:34 AM
Hi everyone,

    I am looking forward to undergoing my SRS by Dr Suporn next year and  I have also been thinking about having TCR done at the same time so as to save one time having to undergo general anaesthesia again later ( found out later that it can be done with local anaesthesia only).

    I have sent some pictures outlining how much the throat reduction I had expected to Dr Suporn Clinic. I got the reply yesterday, and found the result was much less satisfactory than what I wanted. They say that the area underneath and surrounding the adam's apple cannot be touched because it's involved with a reconstruction of voice box (<not allowed>! Why is my VOICE BOX so big? Why is it so much bigger than others? ), not thyroid cartilage. Also, they say that reducing the size of it falls beyound the scope of a typical TCR, rather, it's associated with feminizing Laryngoplasty done to reconstruct the laryngeal area, often being done to give a more feminine voice. 

    Due to the fact that I have a particularly protruding adam's apple and voice box( and it's pricking my throat like hell every day), there is really a need to have them removed. I know there will be higher risks involved, and I am fully prepared for it.

I have seen Brassard's web site about TCR operation and found the animated picture showing how much the throat can be reduced very impressive! (dunno if it's just gimmicks or not). So I wonder if the degree of reduction that can be done would be more significant if I go another surgeon, say Dr Brassard.

    Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions?