Community Conversation => Support groups => Topic started by: born2learn on July 03, 2006, 09:03:25 AM Return to Full Version

Title: everyday life
Post by: born2learn on July 03, 2006, 09:03:25 AM
I wonder how everyone doing when they where going through the change.  I know its hard to go shopping for the things that was needed, without having people look and question.. Life can be hard when half of the people accept you and the other half go out try to hurt you by spreading words and make your life hard. Still we all have to move on and try to be strong, to be ourself. It's Always hard to do the right thing. When, people turn our life upside down. Sometime i wonder why some people try to make a simple thing in life so hard for other. There seem to be lots of M to F but where do you go when it come to F to M... hmmm lots of questions. Sure wish there is lots of answers. I guess that why we needed to learn from the one that come before us. life is never easy but everyone need a guide in life.
Title: Re: everyday life
Post by: wolfie on July 03, 2006, 09:27:58 AM
QuoteStill we all have to move on and try to be strong, to be ourself. It's Always hard to do the right thing. When, people turn our life upside down. Sometime i wonder why some people try to make a simple thing in life so hard for other.

that was REALLY well said and thought out! i believe that some people don't try to make other peoples lives difficult, they are just ignorant and sheltered and know nothing than that of which they have experienced, and i pitty them. others, yes, they are just jerks and like to ruin other peoples lives! :icon_poke:

what did you mean by:
QuoteThere seem to be lots of M to F but where do you go when it come to F to M?

do you mean on this site? or where you live?

if you're asking for on this site there is a section just for FTMS to talk (although some of our lovely ladies come to visit us from time to time to), ask questions, update on our transition, etc. I completely agree with you that it is important that we learn from those that come before us, and that is the beauty of susans to me.

Title: Re: everyday life
Post by: Chynna on July 03, 2006, 09:39:09 AM
A lot of people in general have a natural tendancy to draw attention to others they deem as different in an attempt to deflect attention from themselves and there own insecurities...
This is where such things as dicrimination, racism, etc. comes from it is the root of anothers person conflicts within themeselves and there inability to accept there own faults and differences in there own behavior versus the norm.

have you ever meet someone who is just angry or misserable??
they tend to deflect this attutde out ward on everything they say, do, and touch.
misery loves company so a lot of normal people tend to want to deflect there issues on to the "different individual"

as I transitioned A few times I purged (everything went out the door in the trash) but the feelings just kept coming back...which made me half to go back to shopping for (Girl) stuff that I needed as a male (yall know the oh ist for my sister...who just happens to be the same size, height, and weight, has the feminine boy in front of you)
And never failed to be a task and a half just to buy a skirt or sumtin..

the thing Is I actually pitty the people who gave (and those few who still do) a hard time because I realize they are doing it because of there own insecurties...

Title: Re: everyday life
Post by: born2learn on July 04, 2006, 03:45:57 AM
Hey Tino,

   Well, what i mean is there seem to be a lot of site and talk about M to F cause more case of M to F than there is F to M. I was thinking about the site for F to M. Well, I got some information today about F to M and I was glad to see some site for them.
I need to work more on research online... I'm just like squall in final fantasy always quit and to myself. Sure enough it just take a gal to make me open up :p

Hey Chynna,

   Everyday I meet someone whom is angry and misserable. They are often the one that just make a bright day turn into dark and horrible. Your right about those people. Sure would be an interesting life we all going through everyday. Too bad we dont have that smile face where guyA poke guyB then guyB turn around and hit guyA with a mallet. :p im so bad .. kinda like a guy poke a lion and the lion turn and eat him lol

Anyway thanks everyone for your reply. Sure would be interesting if everyone told their real life story. Sure got thousands of stories out there havent been told. Like anger release lol So that story we dont have it bottle up inside anymore. Too bad we can't do that :p

Title: Re: everyday life
Post by: Owen on July 04, 2006, 07:32:52 AM
Well said born2learn. Well thought out. Describes what I go through each day.

Your right on that Tino ppl are ignorant sometimes and they just cant see around it.

Chynna coudnt agree with you more. Many times I have encountered individualls who are so filled with anger over something that happned in there life and the just take it out on everyone else that looks or acts different than them. Me I just take it one day at a time and do what's right for me I don't care what others think. Its my life really.


love being female
Title: Re: everyday life
Post by: stephanie_craxford on July 04, 2006, 07:52:23 AM
The world is full of intolerant people, and they can make our lives miserable if we let them.  The best approach is to ignore them as much as possible as they definitely don't count.  It's your friends who are important.  Of course if you can, try and educate those who ridicule as you never know they may change their attitude, but that's hit and miss.

The person who is the most important in all of this is you, your life, and the way you choose to live it, and while it can be difficult, try not to let others deter or sway you.

I always tell myself that its a case of "Mind over matter".  Simply put, "I don't mind and they certainly don't matter".

Title: Re: everyday life
Post by: born2learn on July 04, 2006, 07:10:38 PM
It's true that if we ignore them they dont matter to us. What if, they spread about us and make everyone around us behave different. It's just so stupid why people believe rumor more than the true. 
Title: Re: everyday life
Post by: Cindi Jones on July 04, 2006, 07:35:32 PM
Poetry deleted per administrator request

Title: Re: everyday life
Post by: born2learn on July 04, 2006, 07:54:08 PM

   That great you got lots of connection and great time. I have no connection and well I dont make fun of people. :p I do make fun of funny thing like how people behave when they are drunk :p I think maybe I'm boring making fun of clean joke and notty one too :p
I have friend but, since I tell them of my change I dont have call back.. Seem like all the friend I have is gone.
Title: Re: everyday life
Post by: Chynna on July 05, 2006, 09:45:10 AM
The beautiful thing about friends is that most times when you loose one in life another seems to POP UP!!

I tend to not ignore the small minded, intolerant people but tend to want to be in there face to annoy them ...Hey thats me! you may not like but guess what ya got to deal with me because I ain't going away!

Always on the cusp