General Discussions => Entertainment => Movies => Topic started by: Underground Panther on July 07, 2006, 09:10:29 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Books that will be movies...
Post by: Underground Panther on July 07, 2006, 09:10:29 PM
Anyone gonna go see..The New Phillip K.Dick Movie... A scanner Darkly?
I can barely wait for it,I thought it came out today I went to my local theatre nope wrong day....Grrrr!

Phillip K Dick  is an awesome writer tho and I think making a movie out of his stuff will just be too freakingweirdlycool!...I wonder if they'll be able to pull it off??
Another one I can't wait for  when it comes out is, The Amber Spyglass..
All the His Dark Materials series books rawked!

I know this is about books but they are also movies.Hmm  should this post be in the books category or movie one??  I guess it's a dessert topping AND a floor polish than?(SNL reference)
Title: Re: Books that will be movies...
Post by: tinkerbell on July 07, 2006, 10:08:15 PM
THE TRANSSEXUAL EMPIRE by Janice Raymond...   (ha...ha..ha..ha..ha... >:D....a looney tooney type movie.....poor Janice....)  see  the section under BOOKS.

Janice, you looney toon!!! :icon_crazy: :icon_dizzy: :icon_raving:
