Activism and Politics => Discrimination => Topic started by: Natasha on July 02, 2008, 01:55:36 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Will our society eventually fall like the Romans?
Post by: Natasha on July 02, 2008, 01:55:36 AM
Will our society eventually fall like the Romans?

Link (
Scott B. Carpenter

"SB200 does indeed give "transgender" males the right to enter any bathroom they please at any time. The motive of the Colorado governor was to make it illegal to discriminate against those of a different sexual orientation. In addition, churches and Christian schools are no longer allowed to bar any transgender person from serving or working on their payroll for religious purposes. And finally, a provision was also passed that prohibits any public referendum or petition drive to overturn the law. In other words, the people have no recourse.

The sad truth of it is, if things continue following the same pattern, the FCC will continue to "adjust" its rulings based on ever-changing public sentiment, our government leaders will continue to pass laws that are contrary to the natural order of things, and our nation's parents will increasingly ignore their responsibility to teach their children right, moral behavior (perhaps because they themselves were not lovingly taught). As a result, our great country will weaken. And in time, it will fall. You see, I believe that a nation's moral character and its ability to endure are intrinsically linked."
Title: Re: Will our society eventually fall like the Romans?
Post by: Cindi Jones on July 02, 2008, 02:19:09 AM
As I recall.....

The Roman empire fell after Christianity was introduced to control its government. No one seems to remember that.  Hmmmm... ;)

This author draws a parallel which does not suit him well.  I could tear his premise apart in a few sentences. Let me at 'im!
