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Title: Odd/Good Dreams
Post by: Dante on March 16, 2025, 09:26:22 PM
Lately I've had two dreams that I've been thinking about a lot. The first was on 7-21-08 to 7-22-08.

I was in a thrift store (I had never been there before) with my sister and my dad. They were both off looking at clothes. I went into the men's bathroom (I've never done that before), and I got in the shower. (Strange to have a shower in a public bathroom, right?) I distinctly remember the shower curtains being red and black. I was watching the door through the curtain to make sure no one was coming in. When I got out of the shower, I walked over to the mirror (I was wearing my jeans now) and I looked at myself. I just stood there gaping, because my breasts had disappeared! I was really happy, but all I could do was stare. I touched my chest, and it really was flat. The nipples were a little too light, but I was just amazed. I knew it had something to do with the coldness of the water. I heard someone coming, So I quickly seized the items I had (a towel, my shirt, and a camera) and shoved them against my chest and walked by the guy coming in. I sneaked into the girl's bathroom next door, which was really more like a bedroom. I wanted some privacy, so I locked all the doors, except this one door that refused to shut. I woke up while trying to lock it.

The second dream was last night, 7-23-08 to 7-24-08. It was really short.

I was in my room, and I was just sitting there. I had both sex's genitals, and I was thinking about how it had always been that way, and I had never thought it strange until that day. I was wondering what my dad would say about it if he knew. And that's it. I did say it was short.

Both were strange dreams, I loved the first one, the second was good too, although it was very awkward. I've been thinking a lot about them. I'm not sure why I'm sharing, I guess I just needed to tell someone. Feel free to comment, and any explanations/interpretations are welcome too.