Community Conversation => Significant Others talk => Topic started by: Softwolfdreams on July 27, 2008, 10:45:28 AM Return to Full Version

Title: AlphabetSoup is now Kara Lee
Post by: Softwolfdreams on July 27, 2008, 10:45:28 AM
I found out the other day that AlphabetSoup changed his name on the site and is now Kara Lee :). If I mess up and refer to Kara as in the male pronouns, please forgive me. I don't want to offend anybody by using the wrong pronouns. Kara has the male parts right now and is hoping to get the work insurance changed @ her place of employment so that she can get part of her medical & meds paid for.
As for me, I'm having a hard time packing things to move. It's kind of wierd, I can box & pack things up for donation and it doesn't bother me. If I pack & box things to send with my mom when she comes up, I bawl like a baby :'(. I found out that no matter whether a relationship is good or bad, breaking up is really tough.
Although Kara and I are still going to be friends and try to stay in touch. Seperating our stuff is hard to do :(. She has given me stuff that her Granny Ro had made :). She also has given me her entertainment center and some dishes :). The dishes and the entertainment center we are still using. They won't get packed for a while.
My mom is looking for me a place closer to her. My sister's b/f has a couple of single friends in mind for me. I'm kind of anxious and nervous about meeting them.
I'm kind of torn into two pieces about this move. Even though I hate to move I know it's the best thing for Kara & me. Mom said that she would even feel better knowing that I'm closer to her. I guess that since I'm the youngest of 2 girls, I'll always be "Mama's baby".
I, like a lot of people have some special needs. I suck @ math and can't balance a check/savings book worth a hoot!!! I also have scoliosis and arthritis and mild mental condition, I don't know what its called but my brain and motor skills don't always work togeter. My motor skills don't always get the relay signals that my brain sends!!!! I think it was something that I was born with. I just wish I knew what it was called. It has made me seem to be "retarded" even though I'm not. I'm the first one to admit that I'm a bit slow and need a bit extra help. But we all have some type of special need!!!!
When I first came to live with Kara 3 Yrs ago (who was a male "J" name then) she would help me to balance my chbk, I still would mess it up!! So finally I just closed my account out. When I first met Kara we both were coming out of bad relationships and got to joking after her divorce that I would move in with her then to be closer to work. She was sitting alone in her apt one day with a pen & paper and wrote down a pros/cons list of me moving in with her. She even asked her ex-stepson who was living with her at the time how he felt about another person coming into live with them. After she and her stepson decided it was ok, we talked to my mom and showed her what Kara had wrote down. Mom said it was my decision and that I had to do what was best for me. Kara & I at the time were trying to cut down my expenses and the wear&tear on my car which is the greatest, but I wouldn't trade my car for nothin', not unless I absolutely have to. It was my dad's befor he passed away.