Community Conversation => Transitioning => Coming out of the closet => Topic started by: michael 19 jones on August 19, 2008, 03:56:12 AM Return to Full Version

Title: I've been working on this coming out letter for a long time
Post by: michael 19 jones on August 19, 2008, 03:56:12 AM
It is at last to the point that I like it. It sound good to me but I don't know how it would sound if another person reads it. Most of the time I get mix up when I'm trying to explain something. I just want someone to proof read it that done something like it before. I'm planing to come out to my parents once of life settles back down.

        I really don't know how I can put this any other why than to say it. I'm Transgender. I really don't know where I fall in this gender spectrum. At first I just thought I needed to be a girl. But after dwelling over it, I like being Michael.  Whether I'm a Male-to-Female Transsexual (MtF) or just a two gendered person in a male body, I just don't know right now. I've always fought this feeling inside of me. It feels like there is another spirit inside of this body that is me but a female version. And She wants out and be part of life. Yes the other spirit is female. She is part of me that has always been with me. Even through the roughest part of my life, she kept me going. I always rejected later on for not showing the affection I once did when I was younger. If you allow me to bring her out to you guys, you will love her as just like you love me. I am just so tired of hiding this from you in fear of being rejected and maybe being throw out on my butt. But I recently decided that I'm an adult and I only have one life to live. Also I need to be happy and feel complete.
        I'm seeing a gender psychologist about this issue. I've been seeing the same one sense late July of 2008.  Along with that I'm also going to a support group for those who are also Transgendered sense April of the same year. They (both my Psychologist and the support group) invites me bring my Significant Others (S.O.'s) along with me to one of the meetings. Oh Yah! I almost forgot the other spirit name is Amrisa. 
        If you guys want to talk about this plan for a totally private time for us to discuss this in more detail. I'll (if you want me to) talk to both M (brother) and J (sister) about this or we could all discuss this together.