General Discussions => Beauty => Fashion => Topic started by: Sarra on June 25, 2005, 06:23:25 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Safe figure training
Post by: Sarra on June 25, 2005, 06:23:25 AM
Well, I have a job again, so I'm goign to save up for a Corset soon.

Tips on safe figure training?

Also, suggestions for a corset that can be worn 'in stealth?' I'd rather not have it plainly visible, as I'm still in guy mode. :P
Title: Re: Safe figure training
Post by: LynnER on July 06, 2005, 05:00:17 PM
for stealth..... closest thing I could think of is one of those that goes under the bussom, and for safety just tighten it alittle every day or two, dont try for an imediate wasp waist...   
Beware though... you will run out of breath allot quicker and you cant bend over at the waist while wearing one<And sitting for long periods of time gets uncomfortable too>
Stealth is not entirely posable for those reasons... and be sure to wear layers over it or people WILL notice.  (Id recomend only doing it in winter cuz they get really warm too, thats why I stopped useing mine, too hot)

Hope that helps.
Title: Re: Safe figure training
Post by: Sarra on July 22, 2005, 06:58:06 PM
Hopefully I'll make it to the fair and get a corset there. :D
Title: Re: Safe figure training
Post by: Kendall on July 25, 2005, 05:19:57 AM
Underbust ones sounds like a good way to go corset wise. Also carefull maybe of color compared to what you are wearing (ex white vs dark corset). Also will see it if wearing something tight.

Or you can just get something you really want and like, even if not a stealth one. Might as well get "caught" now on your own terms then later.
Title: Re: Safe figure training
Post by: Dennis on July 25, 2005, 09:53:42 AM
You might want to prepare yourself for someone feeling it if they touch your back or hug you. Perhaps tell them it's a back brace.

Title: Re: Safe figure training
Post by: Sarra on July 26, 2005, 12:44:09 AM
Everyone at work... Um, knows about me, in some way or another.

Nobody hugs me, or touches me. :p That's not a concern at all, actually.

I guess I'm feeling less like 'stealthing' this... Oh well. I still haven't had the proper funding to get one, but the fair is coming up soon.

Getting 'caught' isn't a bad idea. Actually, it's kinda funny... There are a few companies on the internet I found that sell men's corsets, and not for trans people either.

I am concerned about one thing, which has been at my attention a considerable amount lately. I apparently have thyroiditis, and thus, my GI goes into a mode occasionally where I get cramps (you will know about this in the Chat if I mention the word gastroitis). This, ironically, has been happening once a month, on a lunar cycle (it is syncronized with a coworker's period as well). Basically, I get mild gas and cramps. Would wearing a corset be an inconvience, or are there medical concerns to worry about here?
Title: Re: Safe figure training
Post by: LynnER on July 27, 2005, 04:57:09 PM
Ummmm,  the last corset I bought cost me all of 60 dolars, there not that expensive if you know where to look, the fair sounds like a good place... or maby some smaller stores downtown (from what Ive seen most citys have small stores selling odd things).  On the gas thing..... I think it might be more uncomfortable than usual... WAY more uncomfortable. As is if you usualy eat two burgers at a sitting you'll only be able to eat like half of one at a time... anymore and it gets bad.

Hope that helps  :)
Title: Re: Safe figure training
Post by: Sarra on July 28, 2005, 02:35:55 PM
I normally can't eat a full burger comfortably at a sitting, as I am not a terribly active person.

Unfortunatly, I live in a tiny city, and unless I go north, I doubt I can find anything like that here, unless it's at the fair.
Title: Re: Safe figure training
Post by: 4years on July 28, 2005, 11:58:15 PM

Title: Re: Safe figure training
Post by: Amy on July 29, 2005, 10:59:56 PM
I too have been interested in getting a corset. Thank you all for the helpful tips and I especially appreciated the link that Kimberly posted. Thanks, Kimberly.

Title: Re: Safe figure training
Post by: Shelley on August 19, 2005, 05:05:00 PM
All that discomfort to look the way we want. You do have to wonder why.

I guess its just the change of image but some how I think it's more.

Title: Re: Safe figure training
Post by: Denise01 on August 19, 2005, 08:56:58 PM
While I do not wear a  corset, I do have some good waist cinchers, which i find do an excellent job.
They are very comfortable and I wear one of them most days, wether dressed as Denise or not. The ones I have are not visible under drab clothes. I have worn them for as long as 18 hours in a day and on  long drives, plus I also find they do help my back from becoming sore

chat later

Title: Re: Safe figure training
Post by: Sarra on August 19, 2005, 10:17:23 PM
Yeah, I just got a pair of cinchers. One has a built in panty, it's great for tucking. ;) Going to get another one soon I hope...

I still want a corset. ^_^