Activism and Politics => Politics => Topic started by: Shana A on September 14, 2008, 07:55:23 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Lou Dobbs photo/story scrubbed from Obama Waffles site
Post by: Shana A on September 14, 2008, 07:55:23 AM
Lou Dobbs photo/story scrubbed from Obama Waffles site
by: Pam Spaulding
Sun Sep 14, 2008 at 07:48:39 AM EDT;jsessionid=087A414A93DBAB66C9556783F3EEB0F4?diaryId=6994 (;jsessionid=087A414A93DBAB66C9556783F3EEB0F4?diaryId=6994)

    CNN's Lou Dobbs stopped by the booth and exclaimed, "My wife will love this!"

Hmmm...why would the page on the Obama Waffles site linked above suddenly get pulled? After all, Lou Dobbs, a speaker at the Values Voter Summit, stopped by the vendor table to give a slamming endorsement of the product; it depicts Barack Obama as a Muslim bug-eyed Aunt Jemima. The photo, as you can see, shows an approving Dobbs with a box of the mix in his hand.
Title: Re: Lou Dobbs photo/story scrubbed from Obama Waffles site
Post by: lisagurl on September 14, 2008, 03:56:16 PM
But Lou Dobbs is an actor, what does he know about political issues?