Community Conversation => Significant Others talk => Topic started by: Windrider on September 19, 2008, 08:11:06 AM Return to Full Version

Title: All Aboard!!!
Post by: Windrider on September 19, 2008, 08:11:06 AM
<chug><chug><chug> Next stop - somewhere out there!


Danielle had her first therapy appointment yesterday afternoon. It went well (I haven't seen Dani smile so much in a long time). She likes her therapist very much. It was the standard first visit stuff - introductions, Dani's history, a bit of my history, etc. Dani says that the therapist mostly listened (a sign of a good therapist) and didn't tell her to dump me (also a sign of a good therapist ;) ).

Dani's therapist said that she's had quite a few couples go through transition together and several have stayed together. The therapist says she found an indicator of sorts of those that make it and those that don't. She found that couples where the SO *wants* to go to therapy and wants to be involved, tend to stay together. That statement right there made me very happy. I like the lady already :P

Dani says her therapist follows the SOC, so there won't be any letters for anything for at least 3 months. And Dani has said she's not in a hurry now, so we're all good as far as that goes :) She still wants to finish out her probationary period at her job and I still need a job so we can get our own place. So no rush.

Dani has asked me to come to her next appointment (and of course I'm going to go!) The next appointment is early October.

It was funny. Yesterday I was all nervous and scared and weepy and unhappy. Today I'm somewhat excited and eager. It's very weird...well, unless you chalk it all up to my hormones :P