Activism and Politics => Discrimination => Hate => Topic started by: Hazumu on October 25, 2008, 01:35:19 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Nine American River College leaders still standing
Post by: Hazumu on October 25, 2008, 01:35:19 AM
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Quote from: CommentGo to The Slavs on campus have instructors concerned about walking to their cars at night. This is NOT made up. It was a professor of ethnic decent that helped persuade the president to have the re-call. These Slavic people are not to be taken lightly. Their cultic behavior, their violent proclivities, their high level of organization, aggressive and subversive use of our political system should be enough to alert you. This is not about 8, gays, marriage. This is about followers doing what their leader has instructed. Their leaders are preaching hate from the pulpit. They used a trans-gendered student's picture on their hate literature. A Native-American transgendered person was badly beaten by Slavs two weeks ago. After gay marriage, will it be interracial marriage? Are they going to try to repeal the Loving Act of 67? These cult members are not nice Christians. They give Christians a bad name.