Community Conversation => Transitioning => Coming out of the closet => Topic started by: Princess Katrina on November 01, 2008, 08:59:50 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Coming out to Sister whose Ex is possibly trans?
Post by: Princess Katrina on November 01, 2008, 08:59:50 PM
I'm trying to figure out exactly how to come out to my sister. We've never been particularly close, so it wouldn't really affect me that much for *her* to turn her back on me; but I like my niece and nephews and would prefer to remain a part of their lives, so I've started trying to strengthen the relationship between me and my sister in preparation for coming out to her.

She'd already be likely to react negatively I think. Like me, she's a Texan and Christian, but I don't think she's as open-minded as I am. hehe.

The main issue, though, that I think is likely to turn her against me is the issue of her ex-husband. I don't have confirmation of this from Melody, or from Kenneth (the ex-husband, whom I have no way of contacting), but my parents told me that they divorced because "he" came is a transwoman and finally decided it's time to transition. Since Kenneth has the house and my sister, niece, and nephews are living in some cheap apartment (not to mention them being divorced), I'm inclined to think things didn't end on a particularly good note, though the kids are still allowed to see their "dad" regularly, so I'm rather unsure what to think.

I've been talking to her in email, but I'm not really sure how to broach the topic of her ex in order to find out more about what happened and her views, much less how to actually come out to her without having to worry about her cutting off all contact with my niece and nephews.

Any advice?