Activism and Politics => Politics => Topic started by: postoplesbian on November 02, 2008, 08:43:08 AM Return to Full Version

Title: "Baracks talk to the nation after he is elected"
Post by: postoplesbian on November 02, 2008, 08:43:08 AM
Baracks talk to the nation after he is elected"

Baracks Bills -
1. 2006 Transparency bill = expose corrupt lobby $ that lobbyist give to politicians so we the people can either impeach them or not re-elect them
2. TECH PLAN = 2007 = = expose all government spending so the citzens can see where their tax money goes
3. 2008 = SUNSHINE bill = SUNLIGHT FOUNDATION = = = EXPOSE future spending. This is acomplished as Barack and his newly elected cabinet point out to WE THE PEOPLE , negative porkbarrel spending so we the people can rally against a certain senator or congress person or committee to stop it before it goes up for vote or support it if it is good for we the people = honest government finally controlled by WE THE PEOPLE. Who knows maybe one day in the future we won't need politicians as we the people stay involved in what is going on in all 3 branches of government and we use the computer to approve the direction of our country / government.

Barack will be holding weekly / monthly speeches, to WE THE PEOPLE, guiding them as to which negative earmark / porkbarrel spending should be stopped (removed from a future bill) by the people rallying together online before a bill with that earmark goes up for vote!

Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL)

Obama has outlined an ambitious transparency plan that incorporates technology to "help connect government to its citizens and engage citizens in a democracy."

Among the proposals in Obama's plan to open government are: putting government data online in accessible formats; airing live webcasts of agency meetings; restoring scientific integrity; allowing people to track federal grants, contracts, earmarks and lobbyist contacts online; and allowing five days for public to review and comment on legislation online before its signed.

In an October 2007 speech, Obama pledged to "turn the page on a growing empire of classified information, and restore the balance we've lost between the necessarily secret and the necessity of openness in a democratic society by creating a new National Declassification Center."

Past is Prologue

One of Obama's most visible Senate actions on the open government front was his co-sponsorship of the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act, which went into effect Jan. 1, 2008 with the launch of, a Web site that gives people access to information on government contracts, grants and other awards.

As an Illinois state senator, Obama co-sponsored the Verbatim Record Bill, requiring public agencies to video or audio record closed door meetings, The First Amendment Center reported, noting the law was the first of its kind enacted by any state.

Obama is the only remaining candidate to have signed the Reason Foundation's Oath of Presidential Transparency, and, according to The Washington Post he is the only leading candidate to have released his income tax returns.


What other aspects do you seek Barack to address to the nation?

about Baracks knowledge on Pakistan:

read july 25 senate CFR statement (

Here you will see how torn Barack was during the last week.

He had Hillarys niave statement and he also had to deal with the REAL TRUTH

That lead him to  SAY THE RIGHT THING

and that wasn't good for POLLS

We all have heard last Month that Bush says we are close to being attacked again here in the U. S. A.

I just read the 9-11 commission report.

page 397 at the bottom you will read about their concern with A.Q. Khan

""Pakistan Loosens Some Restrictions on Disgraced
Nuclear Scientist"" (

July 3, 2007

Pakistan has eased some
restrictions on the disgraced scientist Abdul Qadeer Khan, the developer of the country's nuclear bomb, who confessed to having run an illicit global nuclear-proliferation (

July 18, 2007, Wednesday

New intelligence estimate
released by White House shows Bush administration
strategy for fighting Osama bin Laden's leadership of
Al Qaeda in Pakistan has failed, forcing adminstration
to consider more aggressive measures; , (

Bob Fertik says on July 18, 2007 - 12:12pm.
That Bush has lost the ability to deal with Al Qaeda in Pakistan.

Title: Re: "Baracks talk to the nation after he is elected"
Post by: lady amarant on November 02, 2008, 01:31:30 PM
Wow. Ambitious, but really hopeful. The local Sunday Times ran an article today about how, behind the CNN or BBC clips we see, people in the US are actually really worried and mistrustful about this election. Most of the people interviewed expressed a deep mistrust of the government in general, A sentiment I think most of us share of our own governments. This transparency thingee sounds like a very potent step in the right direction.

Hehe, maybe Barack is a closet Anarcho-Socialist. :D

Title: Re: "Baracks talk to the nation after he is elected"
Post by: TamTam on November 02, 2008, 01:40:43 PM
Wow.  I will be really, really happy to vote for him on Tuesday. :)
Title: Re: "Baracks talk to the nation after he is elected"
Post by: RebeccaFog on November 02, 2008, 01:58:35 PM

Hey Simone, when you come back?

I've been trying to correct people who have misconceptions concerning Obama by giving them truth and links to websites with impartial information. It hasn't been a lot of people, though, and looking back, I can see where I might have made a better and possibly more effective effort.

I'm going to be high for a long time when Obama wins. I don't expect perfection, just honesty and the best effort possible.