General Discussions => Spirituality => Topic started by: Shana A on November 10, 2008, 09:03:40 AM Return to Full Version

Title: To Partake of Deity
Post by: Shana A on November 10, 2008, 09:03:40 AM
To Partake of Deity
Posted November 10, 2008 (

I am sometimes struck by the way what we know within ourselves somehow causes aerger in others. A person may know, for example, the she is a "child of god" and other find that to be completely untoward, perhaps even so totally dissonant with our own experience of life that we berate of dismiss her. She may persevere or she may back away from her knowing, or she may become a crusader, wading into an argument for simply the chance to fight back, to assert her own sense of the world over those who would dismiss her, or doubt her.

I've discovered in working with people who have been adjudged to have mental illnessses that such behavior is not as unusual as we might like to think and that most of us are subject to it. Objectively-speaking, what can we know? We are all creatures of conditioning, brought to points-of-view and ways of behaving by the input and bending of parents, institutions and other indiividals whom we give credence.

We may follow the latest discoveries in our sciences to make a world-view that somehow comports best, as we see it, with the facts of living our daily lives. We may find a religious belief that informs for us our sense of how we "read" the world, or we might simply allow or be forced to allow what most others would refer to as "delusion" to form the outlines and structures of our lives. I'm sure there are other arrangements, mixtures of the above and ways of being I don't wish to take the time or make the effort to ennumerate.