Community Conversation => Transitioning => Coming out of the closet => Topic started by: Fox on November 12, 2008, 06:10:04 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Parents and coming out
Post by: Fox on November 12, 2008, 06:10:04 PM
Ok to start with little info on my parents. For the most part there very open minded and liberal people they raised me to be openminded as well whenever viewing a situation with two sides. They are pro gay marriage and are piscipalins that are on the side of the gay bishop against the rest of their church. Now on to matters at hand about four years ago when i lived in a small apartment I started taking hormones. I took them for about a period of 6 months but not very high dose and with no test blocker. Well when I was moving to a different location my mom decided to drop by one day while I was at work and help me pack. She found the hormones and asked me about them so I lied somewhat and told her I was only using them as an experiment to get my emotions back (ill not go into detail but i completely shut off my emotions as a teenager) and that I wasn't even taking enough to physically affect my body. Lost my job shorty after and stopped taking them since couldn't afford it. On Feb 8 2007 I had my accident and moved back home to recuperate with parents. toward the summers end we went to the beach and I came out to my mom. she was neither exteremly sympathetitc nor judmental. She told me it would have been alot easier if i was just gay. She also told me that my father wouldn't take it well. She wanted me to promise her two things one that I would wait till I was fully recovered before doing hormones again and two that I wait till I was out of state for my fathers sake. I agreed to the first one and would not agree to the second request. Then the issue was dropped and not brought back up by either one of us, About four months ago i started taking estrogen again at a higher dose and with a spiro this time. I have been keeping this a secret. However I suspect my mom knows I don't think I have been that carefull. she has not said one word though. I can't tell if she dosen't know if shes ignoring it or if shes in a state of active denial. I hope with my parents its not a case of its fine for everyone else in the world to be but not our son. Also this factor is probably complicated by the fact that I am their only child.