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Title: 7th Son Trillogy
Post by: Kourtney on December 29, 2008, 04:40:39 AM
The President of the United States is dead. He was murdered in the morning sunlight by a four-year-old boy...

Those are the opening words to the 7th Son Trilogy by JC Hutchins. This is currently not in print but is schedualed to be printed in 09. I read, or rather listened to this story as JC did it as a Audiobook in a podcast format, also known as podiobook. Its a free download from his site and

This is a wonderful story that kept me guessing and rivited to my headphones on my ipod.

The story follows 7 characters. John, Michael, Father Thomas, Jack, Johnathan, Dr. Mike, and Kilroy2.0 These 7 men were abducted from their homes and brought to an unknown location. These 7 men find out that they all are clones. Cloned from the man known as John Smith, code name John Alpha. They find out that they each have the same memmories to the age 14 when they were told to have ended up in a coma for 2 years. In actuality they were being grown as clones. They are brought together to stop John Alpha who appeared to have gone rogue and is causing some problems. A message is left for them after their mother, tho the clones thought had died in a car crash at th age 14,  was taken by John Alpha. This sets the motions for the clones to learn what John Alpha is doing and the secrets of their own path.

This is an awesome story and i highly recomend it. if anyone here has read it let me know what you think. or check it out and then come and talk about it. The podcast eps can be found at and