Activism and Politics => Discrimination => Hate => Topic started by: Hazumu on February 01, 2009, 01:06:36 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Massachusetts now allows people to declare "gender you consider yourself to be"
Post by: Hazumu on February 01, 2009, 01:06:36 AM
Massachusetts now allows people to declare "gender you consider yourself to be" on drivers licenses and official state IDs.
Huge implications in society.

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QuoteThis change has huge implications for society. Essentially, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts has decided that for legal purposes of identification, a person's actual sex is meaningless. The gender "you consider yourself to be" is now officially used. This is madness. But it's now the state policy.

A man using a women's restroom or women's locker room would now show police a legal, official Massachusetts identification that he "is a woman". He could get this on the basis of "the gender he considers himself to be" with the agreement of a "medical provider". A male elementary school teacher can start coming to school wearing women's clothes and using the girls' rest rooms or locker rooms. And this will extend everywhere throughout society, in businesses, public accommodations, schools, and everywhere else.

This is just the latest step of the radical homosexual movement. Next they'll move on to the even more far-reaching "Transgender Rights and Hate Crimes" bill being filed in the legislature again this session.

(Bold & italic as in original)

I can feel the flecks of spittle...

Title: Re: Massachusetts now allows people to declare "gender you consider yourself to be"
Post by: placeholdername on February 01, 2009, 01:30:21 AM
It's sad that we get our good news from other people being angry about it.