General Discussions => Education => Philosophy => Topic started by: shanetastic on February 04, 2009, 12:27:17 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Who believes in dualism?
Post by: shanetastic on February 04, 2009, 12:27:17 AM
I'm wondering who believes in dualism here.

The concept is that there is some absolute truth that is above human intellect and knowledge in the world.  The idea that our mind and body are different aspects and that even without the body the mind is free to live.  I think that's the easiest way to state it.

I'll start off by saying I don't believe in dualism because I believe the mind is a substance of the body and that they exist together. I think that if you die, that your mind will also seize to exist due to the fact that the internal monologue that posses is an asset of your brain and the social world.
Title: Re: Who believes in dualism?
Post by: Monique Martinez on February 04, 2009, 01:33:08 AM
The word dualism is a big word and branches out to a lot of different sub-meanings. I think you are refering more to what buddhism/hinduism and the gnostic religion (amongst others) are based around. More of a question of spirituality.
I believe the mind and it's imagination are powerful and can influence people to think and view the world in certain ways. It's easy to dismiss something that is external but when it's internal we tend to believe it more.
The question of does our mind exist before or after we are on this earth with or without the body? Is something that has not yet been proven so it's all opinion based for now. Some claim to have memories of past lives.. I... can't explain that. Maybe someone..?
As long as your opinion doesn't make you sad then run with it I say! But of course on the other hand as you get older your view/opinios on life can change/expand (several or more times) so be aware of that! :P