General Discussions => General discussions => Polls => Topic started by: elleane on August 14, 2006, 05:27:16 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Why do you come to Susans.Org?
Post by: elleane on August 14, 2006, 05:27:16 AM

This site would be nothing without the participation from thousands of visitors here at Susans.Org
I was curious to find out what brings y'all here! :D

To clarify the options:

1) To talk with like-minded individuals - Seeking support and affirmation for my personal experiences.

2) Self-education and information - To learn more about transgender, either for myself or to help with supporting an SO.

3) A meeting of minds - To debate. To challenge and be challenged by the views and opinions of people from all walks of life and gender spectrum.

4) To provide information - Share personal experiences, relevant resources and links with the transgender (and SO) community.

5) Portal to the TG WWW - To find links to transgender resources on the WWW.

6) Other - Please share with us below.

Thanks for your input! ;D


Title: Re: Why do you come to Susans.Org?
Post by: TheBattler on August 14, 2006, 05:37:53 AM
I choose - to talk to like minded people. It is what I have found here.

Title: Re: Why do you come to Susans.Org?
Post by: Kimberly on August 14, 2006, 05:56:00 AM
While my reasons are close to those stated for the "To provide information" option I do not think that option fits.

I come here to help others, more than any other reason.
Title: Re: Why do you come to Susans.Org?
Post by: Emerald on August 14, 2006, 06:30:58 AM

I checked (4) To provide information.
I love helping others here!
Originally I was drafted... Susan dragged me to her www lair kicking and screaming.  :icon_wink:

-Emerald  :icon_mrgreen:
Title: Re: Why do you come to Susans.Org?
Post by: Buffy on August 14, 2006, 06:39:21 AM
Nice poll....

Personally I am here to provide information (via experiences) to other people.

But I totally agree with Emerald  and Kimberly..... I am here to help & support others in any way I can.

Title: Re: Why do you come to Susans.Org?
Post by: Melissa on August 14, 2006, 08:10:54 AM
I was originally drawn in by the articles.  After a while, I wanted to talk on a forum and noticed that there was one here and that's about how it started.

Title: Re: Why do you come to Susans.Org?
Post by: Shannon on August 14, 2006, 10:33:10 AM
I choose to provide information too, but I am also here to offer help and support based on my experiences.  I have learned many new things from others too.   ;)

Title: Re: Why do you come to Susans.Org?
Post by: Jessica on August 14, 2006, 10:52:07 AM
My option wasn't listed.

I was in therapy for severe depression, although I knew what was wrong with me.  It all spilled out in a therapy session.

I came here because I wanted people that felt like I did to tell me that:

confirm that these feelings were lifelong and would never go away,
to confirm that they would get stronger with time,
to confirm that it was near-impossibly hard to transition,
and that life after transitioning was so difficult, that suicide was a valid option.

I got the first three here, I still envision in my mind that the 4th is true, but the wonderful people here at Susan's tend to prove it wrong by simply being who they are. It's also why I stay, maybe one day I won't be so convinced of it.
Title: Re: Why do you come to Susans.Org?
Post by: Chaunte on August 14, 2006, 03:44:38 PM
I come to Susans for all of the above reasons. 

I chose #1 because that is what we do a lot of here.  We talk, support, share, nurture, help and stand with each other.  All of us have expereinces to share.  All of us have experiences we need guidance with.

Title: Re: Why do you come to Susans.Org?
Post by: Robyn on August 14, 2006, 07:43:06 PM
I agree with Robin.  All of the above would be a great choice.

I chose 4, to provide information, although I'd say it as to share information.  I do have a lot of transition and transactivism experience, but I'd be leaving a lot out if I didn't say I learn a lot here and that I've come to really care about the cast of thousands here.

Title: Re: Why do you come to Susans.Org?
Post by: HelenW on August 14, 2006, 09:12:32 PM
I originally started to read the forums here at Susan's, along wth the rest of the site, for education and information about what I was feeling and how I fit into the spectrum.

Now I come for all the reasons listed plus one, to share and be with friends.

thnx all!
Title: Re: Why do you come to Susans.Org?
Post by: Ellissa Ray on August 15, 2006, 03:48:37 AM
I chose To talk with like-minded individuals, however I think the poll wound have been better suited to have been multiple multiple choice.
I'm also here for information and education, givving advice from my personal experiences, and well what ever other reason I end up posting here.

Title: Re: Why do you come to Susans.Org?
Post by: Lori on August 15, 2006, 06:42:47 AM
I originally came here for support.
Title: Re: Why do you come to Susans.Org?
Post by: Sheila on August 15, 2006, 02:10:18 PM
I found Susan's a long time ago and then it was for support and help. I have now gone through the process, with the help from people here past and present and it has been an amazing journey. Some of the people that gave me the most help are not here anymore and I have thanked them, but I can not thank them enough. As time went on, I have done everything on the list, I think. Right now, I hope that I can give information and education to those trying to go through what I went through, eventhough I haven't had it rough and don't know some of the answers, but maybe give support and hopefully an uplifting hand and guidance. I thank Susan for having this website as it has helped me considerably.
I didn't know we could pick more than one, as I only picked one.
Title: Re: Why do you come to Susans.Org?
Post by: Peggiann on August 15, 2006, 04:49:22 PM
When Leah and I found Susan's we were searching for asnwers and sujestion and how to's on the journey we had undertook, and being only at the treash-hole there was much need for this. So I chose #1. However here I found something sort of unique and special. In reading others posts and answering their plea for advice I found answers to some of my own needs too. It taught me that we all have the ansers about personal things within us if we only look deep enough and be honest enough.

I like to help lend an ear and help others see things by asking questions such as have they thought of this or maybe is it that to help them figure and find that the answers to what they seek personally is really with in them.

You know after looking at these answers I found that our reasons for what we do change with the personal growth process. so the reasons may eventually be all of them if we are her long enough.

This past week I found another reason as I was going through some personal bumpy terain I hadn't been through before not related to TS issues. I came here and went on chat because I couldn't think of anywhere else I had I could go. So you see I come here because I know I can and there will all ways be someone to listen when I need to get something out.

Title: Re: Why do you come to Susans.Org?
Post by: Jillieann Rose on August 15, 2006, 09:20:54 PM
I chose Education and information because that is why I first came here.
But I stayed To talk with like-minded individuals.
And know I want to provide information, actually to help other. Could be by lending an ear or a shoulder to cry on.
I also still come here for support and to just be with my friends.

Title: Re: Why do you come to Susans.Org?
Post by: LynnER on August 15, 2006, 09:44:59 PM
I picked to talk with like minded people..... mainly cuz Im allways in the chat room.... Origonaly my reason was to educate myself, to learn as much as I could.... then it became a way for me to educate my SO..... and my reasons are constantly changeing... I love to help people and chat so......... (Shrugs)   this poll is unfair to make me pick :P     LoL

chat with you all later.
Title: Re: Why do you come to Susans.Org?
Post by: Lisa CPE on August 15, 2006, 11:37:54 PM
I come to for two reasons: One of my clients originally told me about  I wanted to become better educated on transexualism and I also want to provide accurate information on electrolysis too. 

Title: Re: Why do you come to Susans.Org?
Post by: Casey on August 16, 2006, 02:09:58 PM
If I had to choose one reason then it would be to talk with like-minded individuals. But education and information is important too, especially when I can see how what I've read is put into practice in people's lives. I guess most of the poll choices fit well. But my true reason for being here incorporates them and transcends them. I enjoy being part of a community of people who understand me.
Title: Re: Why do you come to Susans.Org?
Post by: Christina_Lee on August 18, 2006, 03:34:06 AM
Being a TS in this world can be very lonely and very frightening at times and it helps to know that there are actually others out there that are of a like mind.

For Support and to give support whenever and whereever possible.  :D

Title: Re: Why do you come to Susans.Org?
Post by: grazia on September 13, 2006, 01:43:25 AM
I am here searching for a place 'to talk with like-minded individuals'. I have found much much more I was expecting.
Title: Re: Why do you come to Susans.Org?
Post by: Rana on September 13, 2006, 08:54:20 AM
A meeting of minds sounds good :)
It is sort of strange, I keep returning to here, because I seem to gain somthing from the experience.  I am drawn to the posts of people here, like everywhere its a whole spectrum of all sorts of stuff.
However, I don't think I am imagining this, people here seem to be that bit better informed, empathetic, introspective, intelligent than those in other places. Genuinely nicer people & I enjoy and am improved by their presence.
I only hope I contribute somewhat, that I also have a positive effect on others here.

Title: Re: Why do you come to Susans.Org?
Post by: Mario on September 13, 2006, 11:40:21 AM
I picked to talk with like-minded individuals.

Where else are we going to find such people, so quickly? The friendships that have been made right here because of who we are, and the overwhelming support found here from people we have never met face to face is amazing. I never would of believed it if I had not seen it myself.

Title: Re: Why do you come to Susans.Org?
Post by: Victoria L. on September 24, 2006, 11:29:42 PM
I actually came here for a combination of all of those... It's quite hard to find anyone intelligent to talk to these days. :-\ This is one of those forums though, that makes ME feel stupid. I need that sometimes. ;D

Usually I come here when I'm down though... I know this is like one of the only places that will ever accept me and comfort me.
Title: Re: Why do you come to Susans.Org?
Post by: Cindi Jones on September 24, 2006, 11:53:16 PM
Quote from: Victoria on September 24, 2006, 11:29:42 PM
I actually came here for a combination of all of those... It's quite hard to find anyone intelligent to talk to these days. :-\ This is one of those forums though, that makes ME feel stupid. I need that sometimes. ;D

Usually I come here when I'm down though... I know this is like one of the only places that will ever accept me and comfort me.


I enjoy stimulating conversation with intelligent people.  That's what is keeping me here. There is a treasure box filled with brilliant minds.  No one is pretentious.  Everyone is willing to share.  And finally, there are so many interesting stories to be shared.  I love every one of them.

Title: Re: Why do you come to Susans.Org?
Post by: veronica06 on September 25, 2006, 10:44:12 AM
Question: Why do you come to Susans.Org? (Main reason) To talk with like-minded individuals  22 (41.5%)
Education and information  10 (18.9%)
A meeting of minds  6 (11.3%)
To provide information  7 (13.2%)
Portal to the TG WWW  1 (1.9%)

I marked in........all of the above.
Title: Re: Why do you come to Susans.Org?
Post by: Owen on September 27, 2006, 10:45:28 PM
I choose education and information. I came here looking primarly for info and hopefully to be more deucated but I also was looking for support and to talk with like mined folks.


Exploring my feminine self
Title: Re: Why do you come to Susans.Org?
Post by: Shana A on September 28, 2006, 02:30:09 PM
I entered to talk with like-minded individuals, but really all of the above are why I'm here. Glad to have found Susan's place, it's a wonderful resource and I'm really enjoying getting to know folks.

Title: Re: Why do you come to Susans.Org?
Post by: Kisa on November 16, 2006, 07:49:57 PM
I guess to find people to talk to! But I'm really to say much.
Title: Re: Why do you come to Susans.Org?
Post by: Ricki on November 16, 2006, 09:13:20 PM
I came here after going it alone for quite a while and was lonely and in need of help and edcuation ongoing, and support, and to talk, and hear other peoples stories, and hi's and low's and share me and what i am.. And...I have not regretted the first day i signed up and posted!
thanks to all of my newest friends!
Title: Re: Why do you come to Susans.Org?
Post by: Cindi Jones on November 17, 2006, 10:38:08 PM

You have been a shining light to be sure.  You've got a fresh attitude and are hopelessly happy in your posts.  We really need that!  (That doesn't mean that you can't post when your down now...)  I just wanted to let you know that I enjoy having you around kiddo.

Title: Re: Why do you come to Susans.Org?
Post by: Rei Ayanami on November 17, 2006, 10:39:54 PM
I come here for several Reasons

1. It's a place I can express my inner self without ridicule

2. Everyone here is super uber nice  ::)

3. It helps me grow as an individual.

As I had just posted in another threat I had been depressed all though High school (and prior to that actually). The "written" word is my outlet for me perhaps as time progresses I will post some of my "diary/journal" entries from my days in school  :o

Title: Re: Why do you come to Susans.Org?
Post by: Stormy Weather on November 18, 2006, 04:47:51 AM
The like-minded thing... unlike some other forums, there seems to be a good number of post-op individuals here who seem to have no problem identifying themselves as transexuals instead of being transgender; a distinction that has meaning to me.
Title: Re: Why do you come to Susans.Org?
Post by: Julie Marie on November 18, 2006, 08:45:03 AM
I had convinced myself that the extent of my transgender personality stopped at crossdressing.  Deep down I knew it didn't but I wasn't ready for the fallout I knew I'd experience if I admitted who I really am.  I frequented CD forums and gained a lot of friends.  I was content.  But Pandora's box opened one day and that was it.  I had to admit I was transsexual because I no longer had any desire to live. 

The CD forum had a section for TG/TS and I posted there often.  But there was really no one there who could relate to me (they were probably all here!) so I went searching.  I had been a member of Susan's as well as a few other forums about a year or more ago but for some reason didn't post often and eventually I forgot about them.  Denial is SO powerful!  When I went out hunting for someplace to find people who really understood me I remembered Susan's and the other places.  I even found a few others.  I signed on to three of them and participated in all pretty evenly.  Then little by little I found Susan's seemed to fit me the best.  I feel at home here.

I still visit the CD forum and still keep in touch with some of the members.  A few of us go back several years and I don't want to lose that connection.  But when I just want to sit back and relax with like minded friends, you'll find me here.

Title: Re: Why do you come to Susans.Org?
Post by: Christina_Lee on December 03, 2006, 05:30:31 PM
Quote from: Julie Marie on November 18, 2006, 08:45:03 AM
I had convinced myself that the extent of my transgender personality stopped at crossdressing.  Deep down I knew it didn't but I wasn't ready for the fallout I knew I'd experience if I admitted who I really am.  I frequented CD forums and gained a lot of friends.  I was content.  But Pandora's box opened one day and that was it.  I had to admit I was transsexual because I no longer had any desire to live. 

I know exactly how you feel there. I considered myself a CD up to about the age of 42, then I started to question even that. There was more to me hidden deep inside and I had finally come to realize just what it was with the help of my 15 year old daughter (as she was back then).

I came to realize that I was a TS, in "fantasy mode" -- the ever popular wish/hope that SOMEDAY SOMEHOW I would just wake up one morning in the correct form.

Now after just over 2 years of transitioning, I have come to realize that there is a HECK of a LOT to learn just prior to going Fulltime successfully.

To those still considering Fulltime, do it at your leisure. There is no hurry and when one hurries into something it CAN be dangerous! (I found this out the hard way).

STILL, I have no regrets. I was merely too stubborn to listen to those who had warned me about going FT before I was ready for it.

Anyways.... I suppose that I just got rambling there....


_-=>Christina Lee Foxxe<=-_

Title: Re: Why do you come to Susans.Org?
Post by: Ricki on December 03, 2006, 08:32:33 PM
All of the above plus some!
I had originally come out of the shadows after not going into any gender sites for a few years to resurface some and also for support and help.. I was coming into a rough time and saw the early warning signs and wanted to network some especially with a "gender" slower time of the year approaching for me...
And so far everything has fullfilled me as much as i could of anticpated or hoped for-and even more so in a lot of ways--- :'(!
Thanks to all of you!
Title: Re: Why do you come to Susans.Org?
Post by: Sharon S L on February 24, 2007, 01:08:10 AM
I choose education and information as I like learning about things, but if I find a topic I can provide information about or just to put my 2 cents worth in, I will as it is good to share info
Title: Re: Why do you come to Susans.Org?
Post by: BeverlyAnn on February 24, 2007, 10:26:28 AM
When I first came to Susan's back in 1997 or 98, it was to find information.  I had discovered this thing called the internet and found out that I wasn't alone; that there were a LOT of TG people around.  I was here for several years and then, due to retirement from a job of 34 years, new job, some personal issues, etc. I just dropped out.  But now that I'm the primary care giver to an elderly parent, I find I have the time and the inclination to come back.

As to why I came back, I think all the reasons apply although I checked to talk to like minded people.  But mainly I just plain missed all ya'll.

Title: Re: Why do you come to Susans.Org?
Post by: Ricki on February 24, 2007, 07:03:07 PM
Awww bev how sweet and you have never even tried my cooking yet!
Title: Re: Why do you come to Susans.Org?
Post by: Melissa on February 24, 2007, 07:14:44 PM
Quote from: Ricki on February 24, 2007, 07:03:07 PM
Awww bev how sweet and you have never even tried my cooking yet!
Maybe you can change that at the next Susan's Fest. ;)

Title: Re: Why do you come to Susans.Org?
Post by: BeverlyAnn on February 24, 2007, 07:48:29 PM
Quote from: Ricki on February 24, 2007, 07:03:07 PM
Awww bev how sweet and you have never even tried my cooking yet!
True but you haven't tried my cooking yet, either.  Especially my key lime pie or my flourless chocolate tort.
(Hint: My son is an executive chef at a country club).


Title: Re: Why do you come to Susans.Org?
Post by: kiddancer on March 01, 2012, 01:21:41 PM
To talk with like-minded individuals
Title: Re: Why do you come to Susans.Org?
Post by: CynthiaAnn on April 15, 2019, 01:01:33 PM
To communicate with like minded individuals and to have a bit of fun online

Cynthia -