General Discussions => General discussions => Topic started by: Ellissa Ray on August 15, 2006, 04:04:08 AM Return to Full Version

Title: To all those who are new here
Post by: Ellissa Ray on August 15, 2006, 04:04:08 AM
This is basically me appologizing to all the wonderful new people who have joined us here at susan's all of which I have neglected to join in welcoming. I have read (at least I think) just about eveery new introduction, of which there have been many, which is why Im posting just this one, rather than going back to each one.

I hope you all find something here that helps, comforts, informs you of whatever you need. This truely is a wonderful place full if increadible people, who are more understanding and supportive than anyone I've meet in real live.

So enjoy your stay, and....

