Community Conversation => Transitioning => Hormone replacement therapy => Topic started by: Sheeba on February 25, 2009, 08:53:59 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Low testosterone levels
Post by: Sheeba on February 25, 2009, 08:53:59 PM
I just went to see my doctor yesterday after having some bloodwork done. I was complaining about feeling lethargic and tired all the time. I also mentioned a lack of any sex drive.
My doctor said I have a very low testosterone level. I looked at her sheet and it was like 1 and the other one was 0.57 
I guess after srs my body isn't producing much t and you do need a little bit.

She's reluctant to start me on testosterone therapy after going to such length to become a woman.

I was wondering if anyone on here has had a similar experience. Anybody taken small doses of testosterone to get a little more pep?

I want to look into bio identical testosterone, a very small dose.  I don't think it will make me grow a moustache or anything.