Activism and Politics => Discrimination => Hate => Topic started by: Hypatia on March 10, 2009, 12:21:44 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Anti-trans assault reported at D.C. gay bar--Women allegedly attacked trans men
Post by: Hypatia on March 10, 2009, 12:21:44 AM
Anti-trans assault reported at D.C. gay bar
Women allegedly attacked trans men outside Fab Lounge

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QuoteTwo female-to-male transgender patrons at the Dupont Circle gay bar Fab Lounge told police they were verbally harassed and assaulted by two female customers who denounced one of the men as androgynous.

The D.C. Police Department's Gay & Lesbian Liaison Unit was assisting Second District detectives in investigating last week's incident to determine whether it should be classified as an anti-transgender hate crime, said acting Lt. Brett Parson, who oversees the unit.

Second District police officers responding to the scene did not designate the incident as a hate crime at the time they prepared their report of the assault, Parson said.

Mitch Graffeo, 40, of Alexandria, Va., said the incident began when he and a friend were getting ready to leave Fab Lounge shortly before 3 a.m. on Feb. 28 at the conclusion of the club's weekly lesbian night. As his friend walked over to a sofa to retrieve his coat, a female customer began "groping" his friend, Graffeo said.

The 29-year-old friend, also from Alexandria, spoke to the Blade on the condition that he was identified only by his first name, Jaime.

Graffeo said Jaime, who is about 5 feet 4 inches tall and has a slender build, recently began a female-to-male gender transition process and has a youthful, boyish appearance. Graffeo noted he transitioned more than 10 years ago and his gender is readily recognized as that of a male.

"They said, 'What the f*ck are you? Are you a girl or a boy?'" Graffeo recalled one of the women saying to Jaime inside the club.