Community Conversation => Transsexual talk => Non-Op => Topic started by: emil on April 16, 2009, 05:27:38 AM Return to Full Version

Title: cyberskin for a binder??
Post by: emil on April 16, 2009, 05:27:38 AM
I am FTM and I have been thinking about this for a while now. I have seen so many realistic-looking prosthetics online and read about people who just started experimenting with materials and looks basically in their living room because they weren't satisfied with what was on the market.

Now, for me, i really am not satisfied with what's on the market when it comes to binders. I should mention i have a very flat chest, which is of course perfect for binding.

But i've been wishing for some sort of binder that doesn't look like fabric on the outside, but like skin. at least when someone just catches a quick glance, you know. i would expect that some sort of cyberskin-material on the outside of a regular binder could also help shape your upper body.
Of course i am aware that i wouldnt be able to wear it all the time,,,,,,but still.

yeah so basically i am looking for a place where i can buy one of those cyberskin/ultraskin/etc. materials to start experimenting......but it seems that the websites only sell the "finished products"....i am really at the very beginning of my idea and would appreciate any tips by someone who has been experimenting with the materials...
Title: Re: cyberskin for a binder??
Post by: Elijah3291 on October 24, 2009, 04:02:15 PM
hey, I don't really have a good answer, but I just have to say that this idea is awesome, and I can't believe that no one else has thought of it!
Title: Re: cyberskin for a binder??
Post by: randi1214 on November 15, 2009, 12:54:20 AM
OK I found this info on Wikipedia.  I thought the stuff was an injection molded material.

"CyberSkin is the brand-name of a soft elastomer material that is intended to emulate the feel of human skin. It is made by the adult toy manufacturer Topco Sales. The company states that the technology behind CyberSkin is a "new Aerospace 601 computerized injection molding machine, originally designed by NASA engineers..."

Similar materials are available under other brand names, such as Ultraskin, Eroskin, Softskin, SoftTouch, Cyber Jel-lee, New supersoft, Futurotic and UR3 (Ultra realistic 3.0). All are soft and stretchy, with a velvety texture that is caused by talcs and cornstarches used to prevent the material becoming unpleasantly sticky.

The materials, from the group of thermal plastic elastomers, are mixtures of polyvinyl chloride and silicone. As such, they are attacked by oil, petroleum, and silicone oils, therefore only water-based lubricants can be used without causing damage."

That gets tough to do with out the heating and molding equipment. 

Maybe? you could create some kind of metal piston.  A cookie press or a grease gun with no platic parts.  Get something made of the stuff you choose to use and heat it in the oven until it melts.  A glass test tube might work.  Once you know what temperature it melts at, then it's just a process of making the mold you want.  You can put layers of wax on your chest (probably want to shave it or maybe butter or grease would work).  Once the mold is thick enough, you pop it off and fill it with plaster.  Now you have a sculpture of your chest and half the mold.  If you kept putting wax on the first part you could get it thick enough to sculpture the other side of the mold. (or get a model to wax thier chest to get the shape you want).  Now you have a piece that is exactly what you want made.  Plaster it all around so you have a mold.  Drill a hole in the top and one on the bottom till you hit the wax inside the mold.  These holes have to be the highest and lowest points.
Warm the mold up till the wax runs out of the bottm mold hole.  This is called the lost wax pocess.

Fill this mold from the bottom with the desired plastic till it runs out the top.  Let it cool.  Break the mold off and your done.
Title: Re: cyberskin for a binder??
Post by: Luc on November 16, 2009, 12:40:24 AM
I'm guessing no one's fleshed out (lol I made a pun) this idea due to the fact that the effect of a cyberskin chest would be akin to Tom Cruise's mask in Vanilla Sky. But sure, why not? Mannequins look chill enough.

Title: Re: cyberskin for a binder??
Post by: Jay on November 16, 2009, 05:11:15 AM
I think it would be very hott sticky and sweaty more so than a binder..

Plus it would be hella expensive.

Title: Re: cyberskin for a binder??
Post by: emil on December 14, 2009, 04:47:32 PM
of course i also share the concerns that the binder will not be very comfortable to wear...
yeah, it would definitely be sweatier than a regular should probably be coated with some sweat-absorbing material on the inside.

i dont really get how cyberskin would remind people of mannequins though...i have some mr. limpys which i use and they look natural and feel very natural to the touch (when coated with some makeup foundation and powdered). it has fooled everyone who saw it on me, or touched it, so far...

honestly, i have given up on the idea of making a cyberskin "chest" for now though, since i molded one of the limpys a while ago (to make a foreskin) and the material turned out to be very difficult to sculpt -- also, it seems like the outside surface needs to be treated in a certain way to create the "human skin" appearance.

i will definitely need to form a mold first, like randi suggested, and of course buy some of the raw material from somewhere...and find a well-ventilated place.... this is turning into a long-long-long term project....

thanks guys!
Title: Re: cyberskin for a binder??
Post by: randi1214 on December 14, 2009, 08:20:35 PM
My chest mold came out really well.  I shaved my chest and buttered it down using plaster of paris to make the negative mold.  I filled the pits with runny plaster of paris.  I wiped the surface with a wet rag to smooth out imperfections.  You can spray it with a couple coats of varnish, butter, vasoline or grease it, pour in plaster of paris and 30 minutes later you have a positive of your chest.  If you want to create a male chest, find a good cantidate your size and make a negative cast.  Fit the two haves to gether and voila, you have a mold.  Be sure to keep the halves at least 1/2" think or it breaks.
Title: Re: cyberskin for a binder??
Post by: James42 on January 01, 2010, 10:51:59 PM
This is also something I've been thinking about. The only thing I came up with (before reading this) was to cover a lycra binder with liquid latex, first making a mold of your chest or using a volunteer close to your size. Then just adding necessary details (nipples, color, etc.)
Title: Re: cyberskin for a binder??
Post by: emil on January 22, 2010, 04:15:52 AM
i been thinking of liquid latex now too since i can not get my hand on balk size amounts of that "cyberskin", plus it's hard to  shape...i used liquid latex for facial prosthetics in cosplay before, the only thing i'm worried about is how well it will stretch if used to cover a binder...cyberskin would have been extremely stretchy....also wondering whether i should order the latex used for theater makeup which is sort of costly...or the latex you can get from fetish stores (seems they make it any color you ask for)
i mean this one looks alright i think,,so it should work the other way round as well.... (

oh and i just found a how-to guide as well: (

Post Merge: January 22, 2010, 02:41:36 PM

i had another idea today, actually tried this with white latex since i didnt have skin color latex :
i did the tape-binding method (the one where you tape backwards leaving the front-middle and back free) then a layer of latex on top of the tape,,,,it's really easy to spread and you can even out the edges quite nicely,,,,only took me like 15 minutes and the whole thing seems waterproof. i covered the surface with mousse makeup...which probably shouldnt be necessary if it were skin color latex.
Title: Re: cyberskin for a binder??
Post by: emil on February 10, 2010, 08:42:18 PM
so here's my first shot. it's far from perfect, if you look closely you can see all those bumps.... the latex isn't dry yet and i haven't trimmed the hair. but i'm still really excited and wanted to show you:
Title: Re: cyberskin for a binder??
Post by: xaphroditesxapprenticex on January 11, 2014, 02:36:27 PM
Quote from: emil on February 10, 2010, 08:42:18 PM
so here's my first shot. it's far from perfect, if you look closely you can see all those bumps.... the latex isn't dry yet and i haven't trimmed the hair. but i'm still really excited and wanted to show you:
The photo is gone :(
I really wanted to check this out!
Title: Re: cyberskin for a binder??
Post by: thursdayschild on January 13, 2014, 12:37:23 AM
I seem to be developing this habit of clicking on every trans DIY-type project in the forums. lol Everyone is so inventive. It's so cool.

Anyway, I clicked here because I was an art student (amongst the billion other majors I had in college lol). I may or may not have used my sculpture requirement as an excuse to learn to make prosthetic.  >:-) The reason cyber skin seems so difficult to "sculpt" with and the reason why you're having trouble finding it in sheets is because it's not something that you typically shape by cutting. You usually take the compounds and mix them and pour them into a mold you've obtained (usually one that you've made). It's more of a casting process really.

Also, it's going to be kind of heavy. And sweaty. And hard to clean. And some fabric dyes will permanently stain it. And it's a great breeding ground for bacteria. And unlike a cock or tits, no one is going to have second thoughts about taking a really long look if it looks a litter shiner or pinker or whatever than it's supposed to.
Title: Re: cyberskin for a binder??
Post by: thursdayschild on January 13, 2014, 12:39:11 AM
Oh, you did it! Why did that part of the thread not load on the first go.

And why aren't the pics loading? It'd be cool to see!