General Discussions => Health => Addiction => Topic started by: Michelle. on April 29, 2009, 01:33:21 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Just for Today Thread...
Post by: Michelle. on April 29, 2009, 01:33:21 AM
Thank you God for keeping me sober today, and for being there for me when I wake up tomorrow.

For those of us in recovery, just in case you need a little extra boost TODAY.

Please note for some of us here at Susans this indeed is a topic that is a matter of life or death.

If you object to my, or others, using the word "God," or any other word to describe their "Higher Power" please take such objections to the Spirituality section of Susans.
I will "report to moderator" in a heartbeat anyone who violates this statement.

Just for today, I will not drink or use today!!!

Title: Re: Just for Today Thread...
Post by: Janet_Girl on April 29, 2009, 02:14:43 AM
Each day is a gift.  That is why it is called the Present.  God ( what ever you believe in ) gives it to us and we should cherish it.

Congrats on another day sober.  :icon_hug:  :icon_bunch:

Title: Re: Just for Today Thread...
Post by: V M on April 29, 2009, 02:45:46 AM
Hang in there my friend and true, each day is a gift. You have friends and support here. You can and will live a clean and sober life. It is mainly up to you. Your choice. I'm not much of the religious sort, but I do believe in the grace and power of mother nature. Seeing the garden and the rest of the world come to life is a wonderful feeling. Throw the alcohol and junk away and start living life. Stop and smell the roses  :icon_chick:
Title: Re: Just for Today Thread...
Post by: Michelle. on April 30, 2009, 01:27:17 AM
Thank You.

Hugs and such.

Actually its been three years worth of days for me at this point.

I've learned over the past several years that Addiction and GID have a certain amount of "co-morbidity," hence starting this thread.

So tonight I leave you with my one word addition to the "Serenity Prayer."

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change.
The courage the change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.
Title: Re: Just for Today Thread...
Post by: Cindy on April 30, 2009, 04:15:38 AM
Hang in there girl. Three years is great but we have to keep aware. I think there is evidence of co-morbidity for addiction, but I don't think GID is an addiction.
If a belief in God helps you then you are truely blessed and have no reason to explain to anyone other than your God.

Love and Peace

Cindy James