General Discussions => Frequently asked questions => Chat => Topic started by: finewine on June 01, 2009, 06:38:07 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Over-zealous profanity filter in chat
Post by: finewine on June 01, 2009, 06:38:07 AM
Ok so I got a temporary kick from the chat room for "profanity" in this message:

Quote(12:28:44 PM) finewine: but it still took huge bravery on Amanda's part, because I know and saw all the discomfort, the s>-bleeped-<ing and so on that went on behind her back - huge amounts of phobia, prejudice and a good proportion of their own discomfort being projected as mocking, if you know what I mean

Perhaps someone could point out where this profanity was?  I'm guessing it could be perjorative n-word in the middle of "s>-bleeped-<ing" but, well, duh!

I realize what the filter is trying to do but I think it needs refining :)
Title: Re: Over-zealous profanity filter in chat
Post by: Lori on June 01, 2009, 06:41:38 AM
You mean people actually talk to you in there?
Title: Re: Over-zealous profanity filter in chat
Post by: Alyx. on June 01, 2009, 06:52:57 AM
Quote from: Lori on June 01, 2009, 06:41:38 AM
You mean people actually talk to you in there?
...What is that supposed to mean?
Title: Re: Over-zealous profanity filter in chat
Post by: finewine on June 01, 2009, 07:07:31 AM
Quote from: Lori on June 01, 2009, 06:41:38 AM
You mean people actually talk to you in there?

Sure - it gets a bit quiet but conversations do occur.
Title: Re: Over-zealous profanity filter in chat
Post by: Lori on June 01, 2009, 07:07:39 AM
Quote from: Heartwood on June 01, 2009, 06:52:57 AM
...What is that supposed to mean?

Do you seriously need me to spell it out?

The few times I have been in there over the years I have been basically ignored so I don't even go in there anymore. Its like some exclusive club.
Title: Re: Over-zealous profanity filter in chat
Post by: Alyx. on June 01, 2009, 07:24:31 AM
Quote from: Lori on June 01, 2009, 07:07:39 AM
Do you seriously need me to spell it out?

The few times I have been in there over the years I have been basically ignored so I don't even go in there anymore. Its like some exclusive club.
Oh. I thought you were insulting finewine...
Title: Re: Over-zealous profanity filter in chat
Post by: finewine on June 01, 2009, 07:30:28 AM
Quote from: Heartwood on June 01, 2009, 07:24:31 AM
Oh. I thought you were insulting finewine...

lol - it's ok, I didn't read it that way (and I'm used to it anyway...sniff!) :)

Actually, on the issue Lori raises, I don't know about her specific experiences but people are often away from the keyboard and the timeout to set their afk status hasn't triggered - or they're busy on other conversations taking place in parallel - or they're just not paying attention.  I doubt anyone was being consciously ignored but I agree that we should make the effort to acknowledge people who join the room with a "hi".

Meanwhile, what about this wretched filter? *beats puny fists on table*  :laugh:
Title: Re: Over-zealous profanity filter in chat
Post by: Janet_Girl on June 01, 2009, 08:02:23 AM
I also noticed that new people get ignored in chat rooms, Lori.  Just jump in with your opinion.  Chat rooms are like being at a party.  You walk around till you ether see someone you know or just join a conversation.

I have not be in there in a while.  But you go get noticed.


Title: Re: Over-zealous profanity filter in chat
Post by: Susan on June 01, 2009, 08:11:38 AM
You got booted because the bot matched >-bleeped-< in s>-bleeped-<. It's not a common word and so no one has triggered the error. I have modified the bot and the word s>-bleeped-< should no longer trigger the future. For future reference I recommend reading rules 2 and 20 of the TOS Finewine, thanks.
Title: Re: Over-zealous profanity filter in chat
Post by: Miniar on June 01, 2009, 08:21:36 AM
Quote from: Janet Lynn on June 01, 2009, 08:02:23 AM
I also noticed that new people get ignored in chat rooms

Maybe it's cause I'm loud and opinionated, but I've never had that problem, not in this nor in any other chat.
I felt "accepted" in there from day 1
Title: Re: Over-zealous profanity filter in chat
Post by: finewine on June 01, 2009, 09:16:17 AM
Quote from: Susan on June 01, 2009, 08:11:38 AM
You got booted because the bot matched >-bleeped-< in s>-bleeped-<. It's not a common word and so no one has triggered the error. I have modified the bot and the word s>-bleeped-< should no longer trigger the future. For future reference I recommend reading rules 2 and 20 of the TOS Finewine, thanks.

Thanks Susan for your help with this.

As for the TOS, I am aware - honestly, my comments were intended not as a dispute or protest of policy or staff but simply to highlight an issue with the technology.  I wouldn't have dreamed that a comment about TGBot and it's configuration qualifies as a protest over policy, staff and/or staff action (especially as I made the point about understanding the intent and that it was simply being over-zealous) but I'll comply with rule #2 and refrain from arguing the point here. :)

Thanks again for the remedial action on this specific case, it is appreciated.
Title: Re: Over-zealous profanity filter in chat
Post by: Genevieve Swann on June 01, 2009, 10:07:03 AM
I find it rather entertaining that the "bot" picked up on it. But I guess it's nothing to s>-bleeped-< about. Gen
Title: Re: Over-zealous profanity filter in chat
Post by: Sarah Louise on June 01, 2009, 10:17:53 AM
Usually when that happens one of the ircop's will notice and "pardon" the offense (sometimes immediately, sometimes they wait for the user to come back in the room so they will see the pardon).

In general TGBot does a good job of things.

Sarah L.