General Discussions => Hobbies => Writing => Topic started by: Sarah Louise on September 19, 2006, 09:49:45 AM Return to Full Version

Title: A couple of my poems (or thoughts)
Post by: Sarah Louise on September 19, 2006, 09:49:45 AM
I have never done this before, I don't usually share my poetry other than with the person it was written to.  Usually I destroy them after the recepient has seen it, oh well here they are, a little long but I hope you can get through them and understand them.



Time, we are fighting time and time always wins it has
forever to gain it purpose.
Time, can just wait, knowing that "in time" it will
always have its way.
Time, has many allies, your past, your present and the
fear of your future.
Time, is a formitable enemy, it is afraid of nothing.
Time, speaks to you through the voices in your head
always pushing its agenda.
Time, you fear the ravages of time, its irrational
fears, it aloneness.
Time, keeps you from sleeping, from moving forward.
Time, does not need a purpose or a plan, it just IS.
Time, will win out, it always does.
Sometimes, I just sit here staring,
Sometimes, I blank out and see nothing
Sometimes, I panic
Sometimes, I plan senerios
It is the, sometimes, that I fear
It is the, sometimes, that hold danger for me
It is the, sometimes, where I know it will end
It is the, sometimes, where I hope to find strength to
It is the sometimes where the unknown waits to happen.
In its own TIME.

Sarah L. Reiter


Second poem:


That was the name of a poem that wrote itself last

That is right, poems write themselves, all we do is
give them form by putting them on paper.

This poem came into existance in the darkness of
had its form given by starlight,

was read for the first and only time by moon light,

met it demise in the light of a match, burning itself
into oblivion,

felt the end of itself being washed down the sink in

All before it met the corruption of daylight, the sun
rising over the valley.

Night and day, two parts of a whole.

Parts that never really meet, they just touch softly
for a brief moment,

they never really get to know each other and both have
seperate existances.

Sarah L. Reiter


          by Sarah Reiter
   to myself and Name removed)

Vanity puts us through so much:

It makes us spend hours at the beauty parlor
  looking for the perfect hair style
  looking for that last stray hair to remove
  looking to have the perfect color for our nails.

It makes up spend our last dollar at the store
  looking for the perfect Dress
  looking for the perfect purse
    and shoes to go with it
  looking for the sexiest panties and bra.

It makes us spent time infront of the mirror
  looking for the perfect makeup
  looking to make our face shine
    our eyes sparkle.

Vanity puts us through so much:

It makes us hide from the mirror
  trying to keep from seeing our imperfections
  trying not to see how our bodies have been
    butchered by life and doctors
  trying to hide from ourselves.

It makes us lie to others
  trying not to let them see our inner fears
  trying not to let them touch our inner self
  trying to pretend like everything is fine, so
    they can't hurt us that much more.

Vanity puts us through so much:

It makes us spend money on death
  trying to look perfect in death when we
    couldn't in life
  trying to keep our bodies from showing decay
   wasting money on metal coffins to slow the
    signs of decay
   wasting money having the perfect makeup
   wasting money on the perfect dress
    trying to fool ourselve in death
   wasting time trying to hide from the final
   wasting time on that final act of closing the lid
    total darkness, final darkness, the act of dirt
    the finalness of being cover for eternatey
  trying to stay off the final indignity of life.


Title: Re: A couple of my poems (or thoughts)
Post by: tinkerbell on September 19, 2006, 07:18:01 PM
Hi Sarah Louise:

QuoteI have never done this before

It is never too late to start writing.   :)

QuoteI don't usually share my poetry other than with the person it was written to

I'm very glad you decided to share your poetry with us.  I loved them all, especially the first one, Time.

QuoteUsually I destroy them after the recepient has seen it

Please don't do that anymore.  Instead, post them here on this new thread of yours and let's all enjoy them. ;)  Destroying poetry is like burning a book, a total sacrilege! :o

QuoteI hope you can get through them and understand them.

I understood them and I loved them all!  it is just amazing how inspired we can become at night in the dark, isn't it?

tinkerbell :icon_chick: