Community Conversation => Transitioning => Hair removal => Topic started by: Myself on August 29, 2009, 06:42:22 AM Return to Full Version

Title: 2 weeks after first laser hair removal of facial hairs
Post by: Myself on August 29, 2009, 06:42:22 AM
I was at my first treatment on thursday 2 weeks ago.
They used the LightSheer system (at least that's what I was told by the woman at the reception).

When going to the treatment, the operator was very nice, shaved the face a bit, took pictures of face and hairs.

I asked her about results and she told me not to expect much, maybe slower growth rate.

Then she started!
It was quite ok, felt like some pinches all over but not painful. She asked me if it hurts, I said not much, so she said it needs to hurt and to tell her when it hurts so she can adjust the power settings.

She asked again, I said it hurts a bit more but not unbearable. We kept going with the treatment, I am not sure if she kept going up with the power settings.

Later she pulled something which spread cold air at me! it was FREEZING! :O it was the only thing bothering me the whole treatment, I was shaking from cold.. and I am quite sensitive to cold...

At the end we finished, she said I was brave and it is a good thing I can stand the pain (it wasn't bad at all.. so I was more confused than brave in my opinion) and she told me not to put the numbing cream the offer (I wasn't offered before this treatment! :O) because it can absorb some of the light and make results slower.

Few days later! omg! I had so many more hairs than I ever did, I thought I had as many hairs as some old men! Now that I saw my 22 or 23 years old cousin I am not sure if "old" fits the description of the beard anymore, as I am 20 and apparently his amount of hair seems quite normal.

I was told quite a few times (even by someone at hair removal clinic) that I (relatively) don't have many hairs.

So for about 2 weeks.. I felt I have TONS of hairs!
After about 12 or 13 days, I noticed while showering that hairs attached to my body soap! so I started rubbing it and watching more and more hairs fall.. fun! :D

On thursday or Wednesday - I think.. I shaved and felt hairless! no stubble! yay! :O
Now 3 or 4 days after, I still don't see any or almost any (not entirely decided) black hairs.
It seems smooth but I think it also seems has if there is something.

I did notice there are suddenly quite a few white, but noticeable hairs (or maybe only if you look) which I am wondering about, I am pretty sure they weren't there before and they seem quite long and thick.

Overall, I am quite pleased! I was told not to expect much, maybe some slower growth and I actually managed to go out without make up and appearing has not having hair on my face :D that was fun! :)

I went to the mall with my cousin, bought new bras, some tops, it was great! fun! and I didn't feel I am being looked in any weird ways.. or at least not a lot.

I met two of his friends (two girls) which I think they thought I am a guy at the beginning but me and my cousin kind of ignored it and went on as me being female and they went along with it.. but later we went outside and they were in the back for few minutes and I think they talked about it from the little I heard..
So still need to improve quite a bit it seems.. but.. will get the grail(s) :D
Title: Re: 2 weeks after first laser hair removal of facial hairs
Post by: yabby on August 29, 2009, 01:27:16 PM
Facial hair grow in cycle, so an area might appear hairless today and 2month later has some hair or at least this is my experience. but if you did start hormone before the age of 18 chances you might need less laser treatments than the average