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Title: Bird Words
Post by: aisha on September 12, 2009, 11:40:26 AM
Life, it is paradoxical , yet it does make sense, contrary to belief, its like when I noticed I was reading of the tao, but its words were not the tao, they were just what the tao had once been. And so I began to go my own way, and listen more to the random sequence of events, television shows sent to me by friends, and go further into myself, everything was left behind. Now in situations, this left me very far off. But there is a wholeness in everything, and meditating upon that, having earnest spiritual intention, all of it fades away, and things work out right, though in mysterious ways. So I think there is truth is all spiritualities, and in all mythologies, and in deciding to devote my life to bridging these worlds, one of which a product of our modern, jaded and probably just a lot of fate on the part of humanity. I feel like as human beings we are now in kind of a teenage stage, and we are rebelling against the very wonders that make life beautiful, its like someone G-d told us we had to cast aside all the imagination and innovation of our childhood, and settle into a simple counting of numbers, going over the same patterns over and over, and of course there are those who break away from that, truly all of this exists at the same time, and it could be said that we are older, wiser in our youth, but where there is an advantage, there is usually a disadvantage, from which comes the concept of two, which is actually one. So with all these fairies and mischief rampant in my life, I have to sit back for a second, not to explain to others, what all this means, when it had deep personal meaning. Its like running out into the waves, letting them swallow you whole, pull you back eyes closed, this is what my a being named Jon says. But I ask is this truer than just listening on the table, to the world around you, and hearing the voices, and actually listening to them? Because there are so many paradigms, we are truly the primordial energies who have decided to manifest here for the sheer joy of it, both yin and yang, and if a cow ever leave your table mooing the tragedies of the sky you'll know this is a good omen.

With indelible corn, we sit, in this magical pot, because there is no philosophy deeper than stoned all the time, to reach this state of mind, without the weed. Things change, because they seem to be less about the actual thoughts, and more about the feeling of it all, and flowing with the feeling, like if you watch a wave curl long enough, then look at the sand you'll see it breathing. This is just the gnosis of life, beyond mother and child, just being like a star in the sky, that is everyone.

So its true now that most poetry has lost me and for a brief period swimming in the manifestation of my old selfs, we all come together, all of us, all people that ever were and we speak to life, explaining to it how it is. How if we weren't here it would all fall apart, and though many things are said, the truth always remains.

Is it love that keeps the bottles shut tight, and the mind in a frenzy, is it the call of Wanti that leds me so far from convention all the time, setting me to seeming misfortune after misfortune? Perhaps. But underneath it all is a joy, wyptipodating, waiting to be expressed, like something welling up in a volcano. I build my house on the top of this hill, so when it explodes I'll be reaching out to all the clouds, in the air, which my friends, and allies and seeing all that ever was and dreaming of what could be.

Again, is the world truly like this? There are many worlds, and over many time it comes in the way that is best for you at that moment either from desire or from need, or what is the difference? We all act in the way we know, we're here, we are there, in between, the sun shines equally on us all, and in our minds, there is a world, always, that our hearts irrogate.

Truly this is just writing, its setting out the patterns in one soul, indeed it comes a long way to be here, and though in my life, I feel a bit, tortured a bit pointless at times, I know that all it ultimately the doing of the Goddess, though this is interpreted in many ways, to me I know this truly, and that there are no others, to hear this, which is again why this all leaves itself in the coalescing diamond ranging through all space and time, because there are no mystics aymore who will reveal themselves as mystics in this world, they have gone to wanti, and there we see that there is this mass, of love, this heart flowing through these symbols, that disintegrate unto themselves, like the arrangements of sand in dunes, because that is what it all is. Though some do not understand why traditions form themselves, I do not believe its about self preservation its about falling in according with the energy lines of very existence, which are truly dependent on the individuality and wholeness inherent to our own beings and in this, it will never fail, because it surpasses even a needing to be named or needing to be correct, falling through life, ecstatic, again what is ecstasy? And who are we? Can this questions both exist?
