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Title: Minister Reveals Transgender Secret
Post by: Butterfly on October 04, 2009, 12:03:58 AM
Minister Reveals Transgender Secret
CBS News
01 October 2009 (

(CBS)  A Methodist minister made a surprise announcement during a church sermon: He was actually born female.

Rev. David Weekley, of Epworth United Methodist Church in Portland, Ore., says he is a transsexual: After a difficult childhood, he had gender reassignment surgery.

Weekley said on "The Early Show" he never viewed his transsexual life as a secret.

"I viewed it as part of my private life," he said.

When Weekley revealed his past, his congregants were quiet.

"It was a pretty intense time," Weekly said. "But they were very supportive. And following the service that day, there were many, many hugs and time for conversation and questions."

Since the revelation, Weekley said he felt a burden had been lifted.

Title: Re: Minister Reveals Transgender Secret
Post by: V M on October 04, 2009, 01:26:32 AM
I'm not a minister or preacher or into religion at all really  :P

But I have been thinking about coming out to folks like friends and family. Mostly because I think I should. But also I think they already know and I feel like I should clarify some things they may be confused about.

Mainly that gender ID and sexual orientation are separate issues and there are many variables and different trans-gendered people.

It's not a one size or label fits all kinda thing. The more I research and learn, the more I want to help others to understand.