Community Conversation => Transitioning => Hormone replacement therapy => Topic started by: tiffani66 on July 25, 2005, 11:32:55 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Cancer resulting from HRT
Post by: tiffani66 on July 25, 2005, 11:32:55 AM
Hi, everyone.  I have been on HRT for almost 13 years.

In 1995, I began to notice an enlargement of my right testicle.  I tried to let my endocrinologist know but he wasn't paying attention at that time to what I was asking.  It took two more visits (about one year) and a much greater degree of enlargement before he would listen to me and finally sent me to a hospital for a biopsy.

The biopsy came back showing malignant cancer. I underwent removal of the testicle  on September 5, 1996.

I was very lucky.  After further examination, I was informed that the cancer was on the verge of metastasizing when the testicle was removed.

I have been cancer-free for almost nine years now, thanks to a relapse rate of only five percent.

Has anyone else experienced anything of this kind while having HRT?

Title: Re: Cancer resulting from HRT
Post by: Cassandra on July 25, 2005, 01:55:55 PM

Haven't gotten cancer, but thank god they caught it in the (ta da) nick of time. Guess you got a little unplanned bottom surgery. Well at least that's one thing out of the way, or is it two.  :angel:  I'll keep you in my prayers.

Title: Re: Cancer resulting from HRT
Post by: tiffani66 on July 25, 2005, 02:07:29 PM
Only one; I would have a lot less difficulty if it were both.  *Sigh*

Title: Re: Cancer resulting from HRT
Post by: nicole_dianelle on July 26, 2005, 02:21:42 AM
maybe i got my info mix up...but i read somewhere that if u got castrated...or ur ball remove. it create scaring around there...and later on if u want SRS. it be extremely difficult. I could be wrong. But i'm glad that nothing bad happen to ur health.
Title: Re: Cancer resulting from HRT
Post by: tiffani66 on July 28, 2005, 03:06:41 AM
Hi, Nicole.  It did leave a scar, about 5 or six inches directly up into the abdomen from the scrotal sac.

That was almost nine years ago; there is no actual scar tissue remaining, just a very faint reddish line.

The choice that I had was remove the testicle or the cancer would spread to the rest of my body.

No real choice at all in my mind.  Funny thing: no real choice in the minds of the doctors either.

I could wish that they had removed both but, unless you are getting your SRS, any removal is "emergency procedure" only. 

Title: Re: Cancer resulting from HRT
Post by: Terri-Gene on July 31, 2005, 10:55:46 AM
Hi Tiffanni, I had the proceedure about 4 months ago. scaring turned out a little worse then it looked like it would be in the beginning.  Mine was bilateral and done to allow me continue HRT on low dose as I was no longer a canidate to be on HRT at all for medical risk and this was the compromise.

The Urologist discussed the scaring issue with me as the most common method is to open the scrotum and cut the cords at that level then stitch the scrotum sac back up, which yes, messes with the elasticity of the scrotum skin if it is needed for skin graft.

We decided on the alternative method of opening up through the groin area, cutting the cords at the top and pulling cords and testicles up out of the sac through the incisions.

I ended up with 3 incisions.  1 on each side of the penis, each about 1 1/2 or 2 inches long in a kind of V shap with the penis shaft at the bottom of the V and another horizontal one right of center at the top of the V.  Not sure what that one was all about, and never did ask.

It wasn't any kind of serious operation at all really, I was taken into OR,given a sediitive, went to sleep and when I woke up I was back in a recovery room.  After being checked by a nurse to make sure the lights were really on, I got out of bed, dressed in the Jeans, Top and sneakers I came in with (had a little dificulty tying my shoe laces) and talked with the nurses until my woman came to pick me up. She had just dropped me off and left a couple of hours earlier, From there I walked out of the hospital with a nurse following, got in the car and was driven home.

No pain killers were necessary as I never use such things and allow no drugs into my system other then what are scripted by docs as an absolute necessity.  sides, pain that I know to be a temp affair seems to just slide off me like water off the back of a duck.  I know what it is to approach or surpass the total limits of endurance, as I've been there to the extreams all to often and this little thing wasn't it.  I've had worse stubbed toes.

The Doctor had given instructions to remain flat for 48 hours then to remove the bandages and take a shower (please?).  As far as work was concerned, he said I could return to duty anytime after that but not to do any lifting of any kind for at least a month.  I returned to work in a week and did my normal duty with no problems, though I did tend to drain a lot of blood from the sutures into my underwear.  Part of that was normal drainage as I understand it and some of it was from streatching sutures as I load and unload totes of medical charts XRays etc, and deliver them to doctors as well as do a truck run picking up dirty laundry and cardboard at the various clinics in the roseville area.

All in all it wasn't all that bad, though after sitting or laying down for a while it was a little tricky getting back up for a while due to the streatching on the sutures.

I'm still not sure if there were any psychological effects of removing the testicles or not.  There was no stress or reservatoins about the removal itself of course and there didn't seem to be any changes in my thinking or moods that I could judge for myself.  At first there was a sense of relief that at least that was done and I'd never have to worry about testosterone again and I had a weired Idea that I could somehow be resolved of the responsibility and guilt of some of my past life as male because of it.  That idea didn't last long though.  I started low dose 10 days later, I had been off of everything for a while by then so I know I was a little screwy, but I had no self conception of being so.  I'm pretty stableized out now and I still don't feel much different other then I don't seem to have impulsive anger strikes like before.  I guess I have mellowed out some since the proceedure, but I wouldn't really notice it myself so much, but other people, family, friends etc. comment on it a lot and always make remarks about how if such and such had happened before, how differently I would have handled it, but like i say, it's not really all that obvious to me from my prospective.

Is good they got to you in time to prevent the spread of cancer, just to bad they didn't take the other one also as a preventive measure.  As long as it goes someday huh?

Geez, 15 years on HRT huh?  That must be getting old anymore.  I have the darndest time remembering to take the pills.  You wouldn't think I could possibly forget something like that but I quite often walk out the door without my morning dose, but I keep a small bottle in my purse for just such cases.  It's funny, about the way to the shower it will go through my mind not to forget the damn pills, then somewhere along the line I just seem to forget and won't remember for perhaps a few hours.  It's just gotten so routine that it's hard to be councious of it.  All to often I can't remember if I did or didn't, so I just do.

Answer me a question if you will Tiffani?  my original perscribing Dr. told me that in time I would start noticing a weight shift, starting in the face and working its way down as muscle deteriated and fat redistributed.  It's been near two years now and I'm just seeing slight examples of this, so if i may ask, how long did it take in your case for it to noticably begin and how long to become a stable effect?  I realize that won't necessarily have anything to do with my own effects, just curious as a comparison guideline.  I've never talked with anyone who has been on high dose for so long, so you should have seen about the entire range of effect by now.

Title: Re: Cancer resulting from HRT
Post by: tiffani66 on August 01, 2005, 07:31:43 PM
Hi, Terri-Gene.  Interestingly enough, I only weigh about 10 lbs more than I did when I started HRT in September of 1992.

My weight did seesaw quite often for about five years, though, between '93 and '98, from 150 lbs to 190lbs and back again repeatedly. 

Then I ended up in the West Detention centre here in Toronto and my weight jumped all the way to almost 220 lbs because of the food that they make you eat in there.

Since my release in late September of 2000, I have lost about 70 lbs and am back to my normal weight, around 150 lbs.

What is even more amazing is that I quit smoking on April 17th of this year, yet my weight hasn't changed at all; I haven't gained a lot or lost a lot, I'm actually maintaining a balanced weight.

The only noticeable effect that I have a problem with is that I seem to be carrying a small spare tire.

I am a normal B cup at this time, which is not a problem.  LOL
Title: Re: Cancer resulting from HRT
Post by: Terri-Gene on August 03, 2005, 12:33:16 AM
ack! B cup.  I was just starting to see that and had to pull for awhile, actually, though having started HRT just short of two years ago, I have been off for medical reasons about 6 mo within that period, so about all I have accomplished is to much for an A but not enough to fill out a B.  I have to wear bras at work and wear a B cup as it is more comfortable, but it is a little loose, know what I mean?  Hate that, and hate bras anyway, but admin insists that I wear one as do the girls I work with as since they do, they feel I should not have any special privialages in this regard, so I do so.

Now that it's summer and temp is ranging 100 to 105 for common daily average, I find the damn things somewhat overly hot, scratchy and irritating, but perhaps I'll appreciate it in the winter, dunno yet.  I just miss the days of last summer when I just hung, or rather jutted free.  it felt good, especially the cloth of my shirt on my bare skin, and it wasn't as hot!

Wieght has always been a problem with me as I can gain up to 5lbs over a weekend and loss it back during the week and I've always had to be careful about this.  Back in 95 I spent a long time in a depressed mood and gave up careing.  My wieght went up to 215 before I got horrified and it took me 3 months to get it back down to 165.  By the time I started hormones I was back to my old leather hard weight of 150 but with medical probs over the last year and perhaps hormones, I managed to get back up to nearly 180, but have kicked it down now to a little less then 160.  can't wait to get back to my old fit weight of 150 so I can see how much below that I can get now, I would suspect a lot from looking at whats on my abs and under my arms now at near 160.  It's strange not knowing my own body anymore after being perfectly familiar with it all my life.

Well, take care of that other testicle or the whole works if you can.

Title: Re: Cancer resulting from HRT
Post by: Leigh on August 03, 2005, 01:34:55 AM
Go to a good sports shop and get a jogging/running bra.  They breathe better and wick away any persperation.
Title: Re: Cancer resulting from HRT
Post by: Terri-Gene on August 03, 2005, 03:32:16 AM
I tried one variation of a sports bra, but altough it didn't give me the heat rash on the breasts themselves, it still irritated me through the band and I found it uncomfortable.  I was looking at another variation the other day while shopping for another pair of shoes,found a beautiful pair of suade rubber soles in a tan color with white laces and trim that I really love. I may try one like I saw next payday.  One that had better breathing would be a real plus, as when working outside loading and unloading my truck in 100 + heat, persperation is the real killer.  I have developed a kind of heat rash on the underside of my breasts, especially the left.  Aside from the unattractiveness of it, it just feels bad.  I'll just keep trying untill I find what works for me.  At least when I get off, I can pull the damn thing through an arm hole and toss it into the back seat on the way home.

I'll never understand those who LIKE to wear them.  It just makes no sense to me at all. If not for respect for the feelings of women around me, I'd just tell admin to piss up a rope and let them see what they can do about it.  Not much as I am well protected, but then, that would be having it both ways wouldn't it? and I'm not much into that kind of thinking.  In reality, untill the other women are free of them, I can't claim privialage and expect their respect.

Assuming He's up and around comfortably enough, I'll be seeing Dennis in SF this saturday/sunday, He himself seems to think he will be shuffling around well enough and will have an old girlfriend with him to help with what he can't do, perhaps he can give me some first hand advice and help in this, perhaps even in the selection of one.  There will be lots to talk about and my minor problem here is a little insignificant in relation to it all and depending on how he is acually doing may not even be brought up, but perhaps he may be willing to give some insight. 

Will be strange discussing such things with a man, but he is very forthcomming about such things and we've touched on body feelings and differences in MtF and Ftm viewpoint, and I intuitively like him.  A different type of man and will be the first FTM i've ever met who has demonstrated commitment to this point.  I've only known the butches who make the talk, but never the total commitment to this extent.  Indications are that we will become good friends.  I'm just hopping he doesn't kick me in front of an oncoming trolly over my sense of humor about it.

Title: Re: Cancer resulting from HRT
Post by: Dennis on August 11, 2005, 11:28:53 PM
Well, we didn't get a chance to discuss bras. I always hated the goddam things and never found one that was particularly comfortable. The easiest to wear was a wonderbra one, had padded shoulder straps. But there isn't much available for hot weather wear. Sports bras are even worse than regular ones, except that they are cotton, so they don't feel quite as bad when they're all clammy.

I had a terrible aversion to lace (understandably), but that looks cooler than regular bras. I would suggest looking for the lightest material with as much natural fiber (cotton) as possible.

Woohoo! I don't have to wear em anymore.

Will post update on chest surgery in the appropriate forum.

Title: Re: Cancer resulting from HRT
Post by: Terri-Gene on August 12, 2005, 12:19:17 AM
Nice your back Dennis.  I evened up the bra problem when I went back to work monday.  I put the underwires away and went back to the front hooks I had and by now I notice the rash has went away, so I guess it was due to the wire.  I was wearing an underwire Saturday by the way.  I shouldn't have, but I just did. Anyway, I'll work it out with experience with the damn things.

Title: Re: Cancer resulting from HRT
Post by: Dennis on August 12, 2005, 01:05:53 PM
Oh yeah, underwires are brutal. If you don't need em, don't use em. I had one break once and stab me. I was wearing a white shirt at a lawyer's cocktail party too. A tad embarrassing.

Title: Re: Cancer resulting from HRT
Post by: tiffani66 on August 12, 2005, 01:49:55 PM
Oh, how I hate underwire bras!  [shudder]

I prefer to wear sports bras if I can find them, but I have notived that some of these bras can be painful to wear as well, especially when the bra only comes in S-M-L-XL sizes, etc., and doesn't fit the way that it should.

Title: Re: Cancer resulting from HRT
Post by: ginaroxx79 on August 21, 2005, 03:21:09 PM
I hate sports bras myself. They smash me down and this can be quite painful at times. I tried getting the next size up and it was so loose that it really served no pupose. I had to keep re-inserting myself everytime i made a far rach for something.

Underwires are creations of some evil nazi man if you ask me. They pinch and poke and basically annoy the crap out of me. I haven't gotten any kind of heat rash. Heheheh, I wasn't going to say anything about it, but I have been known to rip them off in the car too. I agree with Terri about the fornt clasps being more comfortable. Besides, they're easier to get on and off. I have some slight carpal tunnel problems from working a few years as a barrista (esspresso maker for the lay-folk) and reaching behind my back to unclasp can be a little painful when it's acting up.