General Discussions => Health => Weight loss => Topic started by: LostInTime on October 13, 2006, 02:05:36 PM Return to Full Version

Title: After all that, the answer was simple...
Post by: LostInTime on October 13, 2006, 02:05:36 PM
I guess my youthful metabolism did not die, it was just hidden underneath all of the garbage I was eating.  I have cut out fast food, sodas, and candy and *boom* I lose 9 pounds in less than a week.  Still need to work in some fruits and veggies but definately feeling better.

The big drawback is that I just got new pants and I have to now wear a belt to keep them on and in a few weeks they will not fit at all.

Well time to go out and take a stroll.

Title: Re: After all that, the answer was simple...
Post by: lolli on November 07, 2006, 11:25:07 AM
Lit have you tried riding a bike?
you dont need to go off road riding though its is fun.
A bike connected to a turbo machine and turn the music upppp or watch the television.
Naaa turn the volume up and do some reps, just gentle spinning will help the weight drop.
After a 30 mile hard mountain bike ride I can drop 3lbs.
Swimming is good as well.
And there is nothing like a girl with tonned calfs in heels  :o !!

I'll get my coat
Title: Re: After all that, the answer was simple...
Post by: RebeccaFog on November 07, 2006, 11:41:52 AM

Excellent, LIT.

   I did the same a few years back. Just cut out the garbage (except chocolate - my inner Doctor prescribes it). And I added walking too. It doesn't really take much. I think our youthful metabolisms just need to be revved up a little.

  Keep up the good work.
Title: Re: After all that, the answer was simple...
Post by: nonie on November 07, 2006, 03:34:43 PM
My bf cut out fast food and pop, and dropped 30 lbs really fast...  I don't remember how fast anymore (bad with times and dates) but it was really fast, like a pound a day.
Title: Re: After all that, the answer was simple...
Post by: VeryGnawty on April 12, 2007, 08:28:47 PM
Quote from: Mikko on November 07, 2006, 03:34:43 PM
My bf cut out fast food and pop, and dropped 30 lbs really fast...  I don't remember how fast anymore (bad with times and dates) but it was really fast, like a pound a day.

The first time I did a major elimination diet, I lost 30 pounds in two months.  I kid you not.

I'm thinking about doing it again.  After all the food experimentation I've done recently, I feel like crap.  I really just need to keep it simple and avoid social eating.  Anytime I've done something simple, I feel great.  I swear I could live on oatmeal and orange juice.

Also keep in mind that I am not a large person by any means.  At the time, thirty pounds was about 20% of my total body weight.
Title: Re: After all that, the answer was simple...
Post by: Autumn on May 09, 2007, 06:48:46 PM
It's amazing what cutting back on junk food does for your body. just by removing most of the sweets you eat and eliminating soda (or using the 0 calorie stuff to trade fat for cancer) you will lose a ton of weight.

Smaller portions really helps, too, even when eating fast food. Eating frequently throughout the day but only having a little bit helps tremendously. Don't order a combo, order a larger sandwich. Instead of two burritos, get a loaded one so you don't get 200 calories from another tortilla.

Just don't starve yourself. Back in december I got a little anorexic after a terrible diet of junkfood, and the truth is you can actually stay the same weight, or be even slimmer, by eating non-starvation quantities. But if you starve yourself you'll balloon up if you have a carrot too many.
Title: Re: After all that, the answer was simple...
Post by: MeghanAndrews on May 31, 2007, 10:25:13 AM
I've been losing 15 pounds a month for the last two months. I'm at 149 now going down to 140. Here's my diet:
830 am     1 banana
1200 pm   2 slices wheat bread
                     3 oz skinless low fat turkey, 5 hard boiled egg whites, 1/2 liter water
330 pm      1 non fat yogurt, 1 apple
700 pm       1 lean cuisine dinner or boiled chicken and boiled veggies

I workout 5 times per week, only cardio (eliptical and walking treadmill). I also do intrnse stretching for 1/2. I've never felt so good physically or emotionally. I want my body to be in excellent and have good eating/exercising habits before I go on hormones in a few months. this schedule of eating and exercising works well for me.

the hardest part in the beginning? cutting out soda and sweets. I   LOVE CANDY!!! 

Title: Re: After all that, the answer was simple...
Post by: Prince_Eric on June 09, 2007, 03:17:03 PM
I know what you mean. I lost 4 pounds in a week by not eating all the crap. Lets keep up the good work.