General Discussions => General discussions => Pets and creatures => Topic started by: V M on November 10, 2009, 12:31:02 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Pets are wierd
Post by: V M on November 10, 2009, 12:31:02 AM
Sometimes I think my pets are wierd. I'll discibe more later

Anyone else have weird pets?
Title: Re: Pets are wierd
Post by: Jamie-o on November 10, 2009, 06:53:48 AM
My cats are both obsessed with my bathroom activities.  They'll watch me intently as I go, then run and stick their heads in the toilet when I'm finished.   :icon_weee:  They also love to sit on the edge of the sink and stare at me while I shave, brush my teeth, etc.  And then there's Pywacket's regular habit of testing to see if water is still wet.  It always seems to surprise her to find that it is.
Title: Re: Pets are wierd
Post by: Hannah on November 10, 2009, 08:11:29 AM
My dog is still under the impression that since I smell  like a female now that he is defacto alpha male, and the cat is mad at me for something I did and have forgotten. Oh the drama.
Title: Re: Pets are wierd
Post by: V M on November 10, 2009, 07:36:50 PM
My dog has similar stuff going on.

I would have to push him away because he wanted to lick my stuff when I went pee. I finally broke him of that. Now he sits at the door and licks his chops  :P

He also thinks he's the man of the house
Title: Re: Pets are wierd
Post by: Jay on November 11, 2009, 03:55:06 AM
QuoteMy pets seem weird sometimes

My dog is 15 years old now and I think he is going a bit nuts! :P

Title: Re: Pets are wierd
Post by: Janet_Girl on November 11, 2009, 10:50:13 AM
For some reason my two cats have decided that two o'clock in the morning is a good time to turn the house into a race track.  From the bedroom to the living room they run back and forth.  And heaven forbid if you get in the way, they will knock you over.


Title: Re: Pets are wierd
Post by: Miniar on November 11, 2009, 12:11:06 PM
My animals aren't weird unless one expects them to behave to a human standard, in which case, it's not the animals who are weird anyway.
My cat behaves like a cat would, which isn't weird, for a cat.
Title: Re: Pets are wierd
Post by: LordKAT on November 12, 2009, 12:07:53 AM
Your right Min. What is wierd is when your pets act more human than the neighbors and the people you work with.  I thank god for weird pets.
Title: Re: Pets are wierd
Post by: insanitylives on November 12, 2009, 08:11:31 PM
My thirteen year old cat thinks she's a lion, but will turn around and sleep on my head

My seven year old german sheppard still thinks she's a puppy, and is afraid of the cats

My three year old kitten thinks she's a dog...and barks on occasion.

My six year old goldfish (who died recently. Poor Coral) had a lopsided tail, a bent spine, and was missing a fin.

yes. pets are weird.
but awesome
Title: Re: Pets are wierd
Post by: OriSoul on November 12, 2009, 08:24:01 PM
My german shepherd "Michael" thinks he is peoples :P he'll talk to you with emotions and barking to the point when you ask what he wants he'll show you or if you ask him if he wants out for example he'll reply negatively or happily. He also loves barging in the room lol, If you shut the door he'll turn the door nob with his paw. also with crosswalks out side he seems to know when to go and once he touches the road he wants to rush to the sidewalk quickly lol. 
Title: Re: Pets are wierd
Post by: V M on November 12, 2009, 08:38:09 PM
I think it is their unique personalities that make them individual and endear them to us.

I know I've been often well entertained by my various creatures  :)
Title: Re: Pets are wierd
Post by: Janet_Girl on November 12, 2009, 08:42:00 PM
Dogs are so smart and people-like.  I miss my Polarbear.  I have two cats and I love them, but I would love another dog.

OriSoul  Michael is a smart puppy.  When you can ( 15 posts ) please post a picture of him.

Title: Re: Pets are wierd
Post by: OriSoul on November 13, 2009, 04:36:21 AM
This is Michael (  :icon_giggle: the cutie.
Title: Re: Pets are wierd
Post by: insanitylives on November 13, 2009, 04:21:13 PM
awh. i love german shepards.

Cause I'm not biaused.... *eyes dart*
He's so cute
Just remember to train him to NOT jump on the bed/you
Title: Re: Pets are wierd
Post by: OriSoul on November 13, 2009, 05:16:23 PM
Oh lol he jumps on the bed :D but he looks before he jumps  ;) he also make a good alarm if I sleep through mine.  :icon_dizzy: Also thanks :P
Title: Re: Pets are wierd
Post by: Chaos_Dagger on November 13, 2009, 05:28:55 PM
My grey cat (Kouta) is most def. weird.  First off, he always looks like he's either glaring at you or is surprised your alive.  Secondly when it comes to food he will sit and beg like a dog then take the item in his mouth (if you offer him one) and walk off with it acting all proud beforeing chewing it to death (like a dog.)

Further more he is afraid of practically everything.  If something so much as moves near him he will jump 10 ft into the air and run in the oppsite direction.  Erica said once "Chase him with the broom, my dog was always afraid of the broom", to which my reply was "He's so damn afraid of everything I bet the broom is the one thing he isn't afriad of."..... I was right he tried to eat it.
Title: Re: Pets are wierd
Post by: insanitylives on November 13, 2009, 05:35:36 PM
Quote from: Adrianna on November 13, 2009, 05:28:55 PM
My grey cat (Kouta) is most def. weird.  First off, he always looks like he's either glaring at you or is surprised your alive.  Secondly when it comes to food he will sit and beg like a dog then take the item in his mouth (if you offer him one) and walk off with it acting all proud beforeing chewing it to death (like a dog.)

Further more he is afraid of practically everything.  If something so much as moves near him he will jump 10 ft into the air and run in the oppsite direction.  Erica said once "Chase him with the broom, my dog was always afraid of the broom", to which my reply was "He's so damn afraid of everything I bet the broom is the one thing he isn't afriad of."..... I was right he tried to eat it.

your cat and my kitten might get along

this is her (

THe commment that she thinks she's a dog is only the tip of the iceburg...

Title: Re: Pets are wierd
Post by: V M on November 13, 2009, 05:55:25 PM
Moe pic.s please.....Them critters are cute  :)
Title: Re: Pets are wierd
Post by: insanitylives on November 14, 2009, 08:52:13 AM
In photo thread. :)
Title: Re: Pets are wierd
Post by: Chaos_Dagger on November 14, 2009, 10:31:23 AM
Quote from: insanitylives on November 13, 2009, 05:35:36 PM
THe commment that she thinks she's a dog is only the tip of the iceburg...

I know what you mean, I only posted about half of the crazy stuff he does and that's only one cat.  My orange one (Link) is cute but also a weirdo.  He purrs instantly when you pick him up, no matter how you pick him up.  Even if you grab all four legs and hoist him upsidedown he'll purr.  After I get home from dropping Erica to work I cuddle her pillow when I go back to sleep.  Until 8:00am sharp, then Link will come into the bedroom and meow and lick my face until I give him the pillow lol.  Just a few things he does.
Title: Re: Pets are wierd
Post by: Hannah on November 14, 2009, 10:51:17 AM
My cat was hunting me last night while I rooted around for another cookie. I told him bigger cats have tried and failed. Fortunately my little fatty dog turned  up to beg for a cookie and ran the cat off or I might have been  eaten alive like a wildebeast! They are very territorial over begging rights.
Title: Re: Pets are wierd
Post by: V M on November 21, 2009, 04:18:35 PM
My Iguana likes to climb about on me and usually will sit up on top my head while I do things

But recently she's discovered my right boob and likes to perch there and hang on to my shoulder  ::)

She also seems fascinated by the studs in my ear and my seashell necklaces

I wonder if she'll discover that I have two boobs and two ears  :laugh:
Title: Re: Pets are wierd
Post by: insanitylives on November 22, 2009, 07:02:26 PM
probably not. my cat only seems to think i have a left side.

problem is i'm right handed. it's hard to carry my twelve pound fattie
Title: Re: Pets are wierd
Post by: mr_marc on April 04, 2010, 09:34:22 AM
-My dog is a little strange and is convinced he isnt a dog and is infact human.

-He goes nuts when you come in from some where pretty much acting like 'where have you been'
And its like hes telling you off.

-He also walks backwards lol.

-We have illaminate flooring and have done since ...2003 :P

-He has a bed time..*cough* and actually goes upstairs into my mum and dads room and goes to sleep lol

-He pushes people off the sofa, and if they dont move he'll sit on them lol.

He has his own..speck.

And he knows where the vets is :]

There is more but i think i'll leave it at that xD