Community Conversation => Significant Others talk => Topic started by: hectic on July 29, 2005, 04:56:29 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Marriage and MTF sexuality
Post by: hectic on July 29, 2005, 04:56:29 PM
i'm the spouse of a MTF transexual who is in the early stages of transition.  I am extremely supportive and encouraging of the process.  i now think of my spouse only as a woman.  we have renegotiated many gender roles in our 8 year marriage already. i've always been a tomboy, so i could care less.

i am still sexually attracted to my spouse. in fact, in some ways, even more. i treat her like a woman sexually and have taken on more of the male role. before marriage, my spouse was a straight male who had had a few gay experiences. i've always known about my spouse's past, and my spouse has always said that "she" was attracted 90% to women and 10% to men.

we had one tough year sexually before my spouse came out to me.  she was asking for things i was not attracted to doing with a "man".  once she came out, we have gotten closer again.

my spouse has said she feels her primary attraction is changing from mostly-like-women, to mostly-like- men. she is still attracted to me sexually, but does not know if that will always be the case.  she feels she wants to take awhile 'apart', but wants us to get a duplex and live next door to each other.  i feel we're entering the "teen" years, and my spouse wants to experiment with men.  i'm so incredibly torn over what to do. (when i suggested i would move a few hours away back to my hometown, she cried for 2 days straight and begged me not to do that).

please share your experiences and advice with me. i want to stay married.  i don't know what to expect in this "category" and have not seen enough dealing with this issue.
Title: Re: Marriage and MTF sexuality
Post by: stephanie_craxford on July 29, 2005, 08:28:49 PM
Hello Hectic.

Welcome to Susan's,  this a great place to be and I hope that you enjoy your stay here and that we can be of help.

I do not intend to trivialize your issue, but your's is not a unique problem, I know that this is not uncommon with mtf transsexuals.  Many of us are not sure of our sexuality in early transition and often late into it.  It is something we obviously have to thiink and wonder about.  Personally I did not have any desires or feel any desires towards men, and I am still very much attracted to women, so I consider myself a lesbian.  For me I didn't feel the need to experiment.  My problem is similar to yours, in that my wife has flatly stated in no uncertain terms that she is not a lesbian so that means intimacy and sexuality between us doesn't exsist.  We haven't let this come between us in any way, and we have no plans on breaking up, but we have discussed the possibility that one of us will find someone who would satisfy our sexual needs.

I think that you and your spouse should really discuss this issue before you agree to any form of separation.  You need to know what her intentions will be if she does find that she is attracted to men and how it will affect you and your relationship with her.  Would you want to stay in the relationship or not.  Personally I don't think that she needs to experiment to find out if she is attracted to men as she has already experienced this.  I believe that it is something you are born with, and not something you've developed with being transsexual.  It really sounds as though she is bi-sexual, and wants the freedom or permission to indulge this.

The other way of looking at it is, what would you do if you were a married couple (non trans), a man and a woman, and your husband asked you if it would be ok if he went and experimented to see if he were attracted to men????  It would be cheating, I really don't think that she can have it both ways unless you are into swinging.  How would you feel, you are just as important to the relationship as she is, make sure you are not being manipulated in to agreeing to something you are not comfortable with.

You definitely need to discuss this before any decisions are made.  You didn't mention if she was in therapy, but if not, maybe you could suggest that she does seek it where this can be discussed with professional guidance, you could also be included.

I am no expert it this but I hope that I may have been some help.  I'm sure that you will get other advice here at Susan's.  Take it all, and go from there.

Take care,

Title: Re: Marriage and MTF sexuality
Post by: Cassandra on July 30, 2005, 12:39:52 AM
Dear Hectic,

Gee, this is, as my UK friends would say, a sticky wicket. Heres what I believe her thinking on this is. She wants to see what it would be like if she had a boyfriend and brought him home for whatever.

She doesn't have anyone in mind right now and doesn't know when this might occur. She feels if she brought someone home it would be an awkward situation so she doesn't want to make you uncomfortabe so she figures if she had a condo next to you the two of you could still be together while she conducts her little experiment. Sound about right?

Now your side. So far you've been real supportive. The sex has not been all bad, better, now that you know whats going on, yet she seems to feel she needs more and your probably thinking why can't I be enough. Am I on target so far?

Here's the deal as I see it. The two of you are married, for better or worse, richer, poorer, yada yada yada, and somewhere in there is this part about cleaving only to each other.
No good will come of a seperation, period. If she wants another place were she can carry out her experiment that is her choice. You too will have a choice, to continue in a marriage to a spouse who can't keep her priorities straight or to get out while the gettins good.

If she leaves get the key! I'm being harsh here but I happen to believe that when someone starts sleeping around they are already gone. Just my opinion, hey I could be wrong, but I don't think so. Lay down the law, tears or no tears, she made a committement to you. You've been keeping up your end of the deal by supporting her transition. She needs to reciprocate by sticking to her commitment to you.

Title: Re: Marriage and MTF sexuality
Post by: hectic on July 30, 2005, 10:45:41 AM
we did some additional talking last night. you both really confirmed my own thinking which is "sh*t or get off the pot".  when i checked my email for replies, my spouse became really concerned and asked me what i was doing. so i told her i had posted this issue, etc. that just depressed her.

so as we talked, i reiterated earlier statements i had made which were that if you're married, you don't separate if you want to stay married.

i think the sex issue/sexual orientation issue is not all there is going on. my spouse is the child of a very nasty divorce. so when things got heated with one parent, she just went back and forth instead of ever resolving issues.  she's never had another relationship other than ours to teach her how to work through problems instead of running away.  add that to a personality that sees a glass half empty all the time, and we get where we are today.  i don't know whether the sex issue is just a ruse to stick a fork in the relationship.

the difficult issue is being put in a situation where your spouse wants to be convinced that everything is going to be ok and that staying is the right thing.  i don't always feel like i can be a cheerleader, or that i can put my own ego aside to listen to her talk about maybe she only still feels attracted to me because of some residual psych issue, but can't i come up with a logical reason for her to stay?

i feel like i'm riding some bucking bronco. i know that getting a divorce is going to be the biggest mistake in both our lives. but i don't know whether i can "convince" her about that or whether i have to let her fall on her a$$ and come to that conclusion on her own.  at this point, i told her if she wants a divorce, that's her choice, but i'm going to do my own thing, and not to count on a relationship with me that i can't promise i'll even want to have.  i just really love her more than anything and i have told her that.  she seems to want me to prove myself, throwing everything bad that could possibly happen up in my face and asking how i'm going to handle it.

she is in therapy, she is on anti-depressants, etc. i've seen her counselor with her a few times, but we have very different views of her therapist.  she likes her, i don't.  the therapist seems to separate out issues of depression and anxiety from the type of self-destructive behavior my spouse goes through.  the therapist thinks first comes SRS, then comes living "like a woman", and everyone else in her life needs to live on crumbs.  she doesn't see that my spouse is on the verge of cutting herself off from the very people who love her.

at this point, the idea of being close and being separated is off the table. but i don't know how healthy it is to try and fight for someone like i am. it's giving me that deja-vu "Gone with the Wind" feeling.
Title: Re: Marriage and MTF sexuality
Post by: sazi on July 31, 2005, 01:12:37 AM
Hi Hetic... Welcome to the family!! I have found that everyone here is very comforting and supportive!! I am the SO of someone who is intersexed. His ID here is Cowboy. I have said many times in these forums that someone who is dealing with sexual identy issues are people that society doen't take the time to get to know and misses out on very special creations of God!! All of us are special creations of God's...just some get a little more.. **giggles**  :icon_wink: You are to be commended for supporting your spouse in a very difficult time. That being said...I am going to agree with what the others have said.  When you are married to are married to ONLY them.  It has nothing to do with wether you want to "experiment" with a man or a woman.  It is still cheating.  I truely sympathize with the situation that your spouse has had to live.  It is not easy feeling one way and looking another, but that has nothing to do with being faithful to your partner. 
QuotePersonally I don't think that she needs to experiment to find out if she is attracted to men as she has already experienced this.
And she told you that she IS 10% attracted to men.  This is going to sound a bit sarcastic and I apologize but... sounds to me like she wants her cake and eat it too.  Have you asked her how she would feel if you told her that you wanted to sleep with the milk man to see if you wanted whole milk or 2%???  I apologize because I know that is snotty...but it is true.  Like I said I truely sympathize with her situation on feeling like she is something she doesn't look like...but your relationship and your vows are what is at stake here...not her "experiments".  I do honestly hope that you two can work through this problem and continue with a healthy relationship....but if she chooses that she wants to have multiple partners...I hope that you will have the courage to stand firm for your desire to have a monogamous relationship.  I think she needs to be reminded of your wedding vows. And I pray that she will think long and hard about the love she has before she thows it away for what will probably end up being a string of flings that will not be the fulfillment that she thinks it will be.  Stand firm on your support for her and for your self- respect!
Title: Re: Marriage and MTF sexuality
Post by: hectic on July 31, 2005, 03:16:02 AM
i don't want to give anyone the impression that my spouse is a "cheater". i know she would divorce me before she started another relationship. in talking with her, i think she was struggling with the idea of letting go of the marriage on one hand, and staying on the other.  so the idea of next door to each other sounds really good after long nights of some tears and fears.  you tend to say some really stupid things to each other at 3 in the morning after marathon talk sessions.

we've had much better talks today.  she's had a chance to talk with a TG friend who stated that as a woman, your fantasies and desires are a fluid issue. they ebb and tide based on your stresses, needs, fears, etc.  i have found that in myself as have my other gg friends. this is opposed to a "male" fantasy  that reflects honestly on sexual identity. there was recently a study on this i found fascinating.

my spouse is struggling with the ambiguity that comes with transition.  you want to know where you'll be, who's going on the ride with you and how you're going to get there.  she's a very black and white person, so she tends to miss the gray scale.  (which from what i hear is all you get during transition).  so she had fantasies about men and sort of jumped the gun and felt that it would only be fair to me to push the issue to resolution before going through transition for both our sakes.  but i think she has begun to admit that the ambiguity will continue for years and may never go away.  my own fantasy life has been all over the place.

the funny issue we talked about was that i was being too "nice". she was suspicious that i was being so loving after we went through the rough patch of pre "coming out."  i said, "honey. now that i know you're a woman i know exactly what will make you happy, because i know what i like. so just enjoy it and stop over analyzing it."

she seems willing to give that a try. she really is a beautiful, honest, wonderful person. i don't want anyone to form the belief that she's not.  i'm trying to break my own addiction to "knowing". and i'm learning that 2 women living together means you will go in big emotional circles, and what you said yesterday will change tomorrow if you keep talking. (so i guess i'll be kvetching again in 2 days). lol.
Title: Re: Marriage and MTF sexuality
Post by: hectic on July 31, 2005, 03:27:56 AM
i want to add that all of your wonderful comments have made it easier to even the keel of this crazy trans boat!   and it was a little kick for my spouse when she found i was tuning in to new voices and may just meet or fancy someone new myself.  ::)  then the " i might like guys a lot" idea faded and the "who are you talking to and what's going on" idea came into focus.

it is reminding her of our one breakup during dating. she thought that was a good idea too, until i stopped taking her phone calls and started going on motorcycle dates with sexy Harley guy.  payback and all that.  i owe her a spank for this week!

Title: Re: Marriage and MTF sexuality
Post by: Cassandra on July 31, 2005, 03:43:56 AM

Glad everyones posts were so helpful to you. That's what Susan's is all about. Looks like you two are back on track and are getting these issues worked out.

Good Journey

Title: Re: Marriage and MTF sexuality
Post by: hectic on August 05, 2005, 03:30:16 PM
well, my spouse has gone to stay in a hotel for 2 weeks, so my marriage may very well be over. as i will be out of town next week, i'll try to post something when i return and find out if i have a marriage left.

everyday finds her in a different mood, and i just don't know what's going on. things have changed between morning and night some days at our house.

if it's over, i'll be moving a few hours away. she stopped by last night, and it threw me all over again, so i think i'll just need to close the door on this. i still love her and that makes casual friendship impossible.
Title: Re: Marriage and MTF sexuality
Post by: Debtv on August 05, 2005, 04:01:09 PM
I have always said "somethings are funner to think about than do" and maybe she needs to find this out.

My SO and I am pretty open minded and we have tried 3-somes...there are pleanty of men who will do that! LOL  Maybe just sow some wild oats....but do it together.

Good luck to you both!
Title: Re: Marriage and MTF sexuality
Post by: hectic on August 05, 2005, 04:13:55 PM
i don't really have much say in the matter, unfortunately. i just get to decide whether i will take phone calls that break my heart, or refuse to see my own best friend.

we had 8 beautiful years of marriage, and now in the last month i have no clue what is happening. i thought her disclosure about being TG was the big hurdle, but i was wrong.
Title: Re: Marriage and MTF sexuality
Post by: Kimberly on August 05, 2005, 05:17:29 PM
Hang in there Hectic, I hope things turn out for the best with you.
Title: Re: Marriage and MTF sexuality
Post by: hectic on August 05, 2005, 05:33:34 PM
you girls are just really wonderful, and you don't know how much it means to me.
Title: Re: Marriage and MTF sexuality
Post by: Cassandra on August 05, 2005, 07:05:35 PM
Hi hectic,

I'm so sorry things are not working out as well as you had hoped. But I believe the fat lady has not yet sung. She may be warming up but there is still the chance she could loose her voice. Don't give up yet. Let her have her two weeks, a few days alone with herself and she may be singing a different tune. I can't begin to imagine how hard this must be for you, since you seem to be trying so hard and she insists on her current course of action.

In the end it may be the best thing for both of you. You could come out of this together with a stronger relationship or it could go the other way. Either way you both must choose the path that will be the best for you. Hon, I really do feel for you and hope things will work out. Know however that no matter what, you, will always be welcome at Susan's and we will be here for you.

Big Hugs!

Title: Re: Marriage and MTF sexuality
Post by: hectic on August 05, 2005, 07:33:48 PM
it is a very strange trip. my wife just showed up because she forgot her pillowcase (yesterday was her granola bars), and she asked me to go out for ice cream (provided we not speak about our current issues).i'm spotting an odd trend....

so i just got back. i had some coconut almond. yummy.

this is the most screwed up separation ever. i guess i should have rebuffed her offer for ice cream in favor of teaching her a lesson about life without me, but i'm not capable of turning down that particular poison.

you are all so great. our TG crowd has sort of shunned me during this, as to not burn any bridges with my spouse, so it really does make me feel better that you're all so caring.

cassie, if i do see the fat lady, i'm going to beat the crap out of her! post disclosure is supposed to be easier!!! i don't get it!
Title: Re: Marriage and MTF sexuality
Post by: Cassandra on August 05, 2005, 09:14:10 PM
Quotepost disclosure is supposed to be easier!!!

Wellll, Actully in most cases it is easier for the discloser than the disclosee. After unburdening themselves from so many years of repression, the discloser may tend to forget the fact that for the spouse dealing with the new you as it were is not an easy row to hoe. I still think she is trying to see just how far she can go before this relationship breaks and is expecting a big round of apologies will make it all better.

It's your call. Sounds like it won't take living at the hotel long to bring her back down to earth. Maybe next time she comes by for that forgotten something you should tell her she can't come back until her two weeks are up. Just be ready to let her back sooner if she decides she doesn't want to go through with the whole two weeks. Just something to consider.

Title: Re: Marriage and MTF sexuality
Post by: stephanie_craxford on August 06, 2005, 12:16:44 AM
Hello Hectic.

At this point in time you have done everything that anyone could possibly ask you to do.  I asked my wife to read through this thread, and she agrees with me that you have been the most suportive of wives.  a person couldn't ask for anything more.

Quotei don't really have much say in the matter, unfortunately. i just get to decide whether i will take phone calls that break my heart, or refuse to see my own best friend.

we had 8 beautiful years of marriage, and now in the last month i have no clue what is happening. i thought her disclosure about being TG was the big hurdle, but i was wrong.

It is so sad that she seems to be so willing to throw everthing away, and to leave you in the lurch like that, just to see if her urges are real.  She should have at least the courage of her convictions and be up front and honest with you.  It is also selfish, and if you will forgive me, a little stupid, to expect you to be there waiting with open arms, after her little trist on the side has finished.  Sort of like saying, "I tried it, I didn't like it, so I'll stay with you".  I don't think so my dear.

Maybe I've said too much, but it hurts to see such supportive people being treated as if they didn't count.  You gave your all, that's all that any of us can ask for.  I know that I am so thankful, lucky, fortunate, blessed, smiled upon, to have a suportive wife such as mine.  I hope that your's will see the light or at least be honest with you.

Take care, I really hope this has a happy ending for you.  Be sure not to leave, we're there for you.

Title: Re: Marriage and MTF sexuality
Post by: hectic on August 06, 2005, 05:41:19 PM
i've made my 3 important points to her in regards to what I needed to stay living together...

1) a spouse that loves me and wants to be with me
2) a commitment to the marriage as a lifelong bond, and a desire to work through issues
3) no third parties

before she left to think things through, i've let her know that for me, i won't be able to be a "friend." she asked me why not, and i told her that loyalty is one of the things i value most in a friendship. my 2 best gg friends would never break a promise to me, no matter what.  she doesn't get a pass because she had a penis at one point. and certainly not when she breaks the biggest promise you can make to someone.

marriage is a sacred commitment for me, and i was raised in a strict RC household. you don't ever get divorced in my family, and you certainly never get remarried. when my uncles died, my aunts wore mourning clothes for the rest of their lives (veils and all). my spouse knows i will never willingly go to a divorce court, they'll just have to arrest me.  i'm giving it this 2 weeks, and monday i'll be going on my buisness trip for 10 days, so i won't be around to see and i'm not bringing a cell phone.

once i get back, i need to know that those 3 conditions will be met. so we'll see. i'm mentally preparing for the worst.
Title: Re: Marriage and MTF sexuality
Post by: stephanie_craxford on August 06, 2005, 09:10:15 PM
Hello Hectic.

You are definitly a fighter, a fighter for your marriage.  I don't think there are many women out there with the determination to save what you obviously cherish.  The three points you list are great, short simple and to the point, no ambiguity, basically yes or no answers.

Stick to your guns hon, and don't let her off the hook.

Keep us posted on how things work out.

Take care,

Title: Re: Marriage and MTF sexuality
Post by: hectic on August 08, 2005, 12:15:03 AM
well, i'm done. after 3 attempts to call my spouse tonight (on her cell phone, because i don't even know where she is), i have officially called it quits.

my final message was "i tried to call you to let you know what i've realized about myself during these last few days. you decided not to answer my calls for one of 3 reasons. 1) you're ignoring my calls, 2) you're with someone else, or 3) you were out looking for apartments. since i don't like any of those options, don't bother driving me to the airport tomorrow, i'm quiting my job, packing my sh$t, and leaving. it's over, i'm done."

and it feels damned good not worrying about what she going to say next, because there is nothing i could hear that would change my mind. i can't be perfect. i can't be any more understanding. i can't be an appendage to her life. if she can't appreciate me, i need to build a life with people who will. i can't wait with dread the next thing she's going to say. done, over.

steph, you're right. i would have done anything to save this marriage. but you can only push this woman but so far before i start shoving back. i can't take mindgames. i love her with my whole heart, but there is a line you cross that you can't ever step back over. she finally crossed it.  when she realizes the only things i've taken were my clothes, maybe she'll finally realize i wasn't in it for the creature comforts of home.
Title: Re: Marriage and MTF sexuality
Post by: Svetlana on August 08, 2005, 12:57:19 AM
well i was going to suggest to make sure that your spouse's sudden "let's see what my sexuality really is" thing might not have been a very common bad misunderstanding that going through gender issues should somehow automatically mean going through sexuality issues as well.

however, having read that last post, it seems like the whole thing was kinda beyond that already.  in which case, good for you for sticking by your decision, and it's probably for the best, as you sounded a little fed up to the teeth with things at any rate, and that's no good in a loving relationship, for either person.  and failing to answer calls... well... i don't know what's going on with that.  i feel sorry for you and happy for you at the same time, it's... strange.  i think it's for the best.

please know that i'm not very good at wording things oftentimes, and i think i sound overly self-assured in this reply, and i want to tell you, i'm not, please don't take my opinions too seriously, just averagely.
Title: Re: Marriage and MTF sexuality
Post by: Kimberly on August 08, 2005, 03:24:25 AM
I am sorry hectic, really very sorry.
You are a good woman and I applaud your efforts.
I hope you find happiness somewhere in your future.
Please feel free to stay and chat.
Title: Re: Marriage and MTF sexuality
Post by: stephanie_craxford on August 08, 2005, 06:53:09 AM
Hello Hectic

Quoteand it feels damned good not worrying about what she going to say next, because there is nothing i could hear that would change my mind. i can't be perfect. i can't be any more understanding. i can't be an appendage to her life. if she can't appreciate me, i need to build a life with people who will. i can't wait with dread the next thing she's going to say. done, over.

steph, you're right. i would have done anything to save this marriage. but you can only push this woman but so far before i start shoving back. i can't take mindgames. i love her with my whole heart, but there is a line you cross that you can't ever step back over. she finally crossed it.  when she realizes the only things i've taken were my clothes, maybe she'll finally realize i wasn't in it for the creature comforts of home.

It is so sad to see any type of break-up, and it is especially sad in your case.  You have put so much it to both of your lives, and from the posts you've made here, I would have to say, you put your whole life into the relationship.  I try to advise any trans folks who join Susan's that the key to success is comprimise and comunication, but it seems in your case you were the one who was making all the comprimises, and doing all the comunicating.  You did all you could possibly do.

It takes courage to decide and act on that decission, I'm not sure that I would be able to go through with what you are doing.  However something tells me that you are going to be ok after a time, you definitely have the energy, and the will power.

My words seem a little in adequate, but suffice it to say that I trully hope that you will find the happiness you longed for, in your new beginings.  Good luck, (I wish I new your first name).

AND be sure to take care of YOU.

Title: Re: Marriage and MTF sexuality
Post by: hectic on August 08, 2005, 01:19:53 PM
my name is Trish. i've got everything packed and ready to go. have quit the high stress job also. so i head out in a few hours, and i think i'm going to take a vacation until after christmas and just kick back and go fishing.

it's been an emotional day for the two of us. my spouse has been crying , but also i think a little scared and relieved also not to have the pressure of all this.

in the moment, i really couldn't say don't call me. because i can't close my heart to someone i love. and i can't bear to think of her going through any of this without knowing that there is at least one person who supports her. but at least now we're going to both be transitioning. and it will become apparent that i was not the cause of her stress and unhappiness.
Title: Re: Marriage and MTF sexuality
Post by: Shelley on August 08, 2005, 04:23:24 PM
Hi Trish,

You are a very special lady. So many here wish for someone as understanding and supportive like you. I think that you can safely assume it is not you that has the problem here.

I wish you all the best and hope that you'll continue to drop in and say hi.


Title: Re: Marriage and MTF sexuality
Post by: Sarah Louise on August 10, 2005, 10:34:25 AM
I agree, it is a shame anytime I see a marriage break up.  It is never the fault of just one of the partners, they both have (usually) caused problems for the other.

Being TS is hard for both parties of the marriage, the wife usually feels betrayed (and for good reasons) and the TS person usually feels misunderstood.

I told my spouse before we married that I wanted to be a woman, but she didn't have any idea of how deep the feelings were (and I didn't do a good job of helping her understand the extremes of how I felt).

We still live together, but I don't really consider our relationship much of a marriage anymore.  I am not happy about that, but she isn't a lesbian and wants a man.  I am not sure how much longer we will be together (we have been married 39 years).  She has told me in the past that the day I leave for surgery, she will throw my things in the street.

Sarah Louise Reiter
Title: Re: Marriage and MTF sexuality
Post by: Cassandra on August 10, 2005, 02:49:25 PM

I am very sorry that things did not work out for you. I think your spouse acted stupidly and with little consideration for your feelings. She has now learned the realities off that old Chinese proverb, be careful what you wish for. I hope and wish the best for you. You are a wonderful woman and you deserve happiness.

I also hope you will not stay away from Susan's but I think everyone here will understand if you consider coming here too painfull and just want to forget the whole thing. We are here for you should you decide at any time that you just want to talk. I know you haven't logged on since your last post but I'm hoping you're still coming in at least as a guest and reading all of the supportive posts my sisters have been sending out to you.

Do come back from time to time and let us know how you are doing.


Title: Re: Marriage and MTF sexuality
Post by: lisagurl on August 21, 2005, 05:03:10 PM
In 26 years of marriage and 2 children neither my wife or I ever cared much about sex. I could count the times on my fingers and toes. After starting transition my wife moved out of our bed to the guest bedroom. She does not want to be looked at by society as a lesbian. We are still very good friends but after the divorce neither one of us want a sex partner.
Title: Re: Marriage and MTF sexuality
Post by: hectic on January 04, 2006, 06:54:40 AM
just wanted to let everyone know that after two weeks, we were utterly miserable and got back third parties.  everything is going great now and we're a lot happier.

i guess i would call this a "stress bubble".

so we moved, and have remodeled our bathroom into a pink powder puff nightmare that we both love!
Title: Re: Marriage and MTF sexuality
Post by: Kimberly on January 04, 2006, 07:46:38 AM
I am very happy to hear that Trish!

Thank you for stopping back by and letting us know... I hope life is kind to you both (=

Title: Re: Marriage and MTF sexuality
Post by: stephanie_craxford on January 04, 2006, 11:31:35 AM
Hello Hectic,

That is just the greatest news, maybe you were right that it was just a stress bubble (too much, too fast).  So it seems that you have started a new life over, I really hope that everything continues to work out for you both and that the pink bathroom turns into sweet dreams :)


Title: Re: Marriage and MTF sexuality
Post by: Cassandra on January 04, 2006, 06:59:04 PM
Hi Hectic,

It is so wonderful to here that your story has a happy ending after all. Thank you so much for coming back and letting us know what happened. I hope everything continues to go well for both of you, and that your spouse has learned her lesson.

Good Luck,

Title: Re: Marriage and MTF sexuality
Post by: Peggiann on January 25, 2006, 02:12:27 PM
How are you now. It's been quite a while for update.
Doing well I hope? We will be chatting later this evening if you can make it that would be great. 9:00 p.m. Eastern.

Title: Re: Marriage and MTF sexuality
Post by: hectic on January 25, 2006, 02:55:13 PM
everything is going really well. i'm finally going back to work, so i've been doing interviews all week. (joy, joy, joy)  i'm not sure if i can make the chat...i normally have to surrender the computer to my lovely wife's obsession with gaming in the evenings.  ::)

but if she somehow gets disgusted with shooting things, i will pop in. otherwise, i will be watching LOST and reading my seed catalogs.  :D
Title: Re: Marriage and MTF sexuality
Post by: Peggiann on January 25, 2006, 04:46:46 PM
Cool, You have a Garden?

That's one of my favorite things to do is gardening!
Hope to see ya in CHat this evening.

Title: Re: Marriage and MTF sexuality
Post by: Shelley on January 26, 2006, 01:30:27 AM
Hi Trish,

Glad to hear things are still going well. I like Peggiann wonder about members when we don't hear from them for a bit. So it's really good when we do.

Title: Re: Marriage and MTF sexuality
Post by: Kimberly on January 26, 2006, 03:10:12 AM
In my opinion the best cure for a gaming obsession is... JOIN THEM! (= Ok, so it's not much of a cure but it can certainly be fun (=
Title: Re: Marriage and MTF sexuality
Post by: hectic on January 26, 2006, 06:51:06 AM
sorry no chat yesterday, but my wife and i spent the evening cuddling on the couch watching LOST together (i have sucked her into the vortex which is LOST), and then we heckled the designers on Project Runway. highly recommend it for the uninitiated.

peggi, i am such an obsessed gardener...i just love seeds. tiny little things that grow into something amazing. kind of like transition.

kimberely, you gamer! lol. gaming is too serious for me. when i see my wife's face glaze over in concentration, i just flee the room. my trying to play would be like going for a casual skateboard ride with tony hawk...

and shelley, i have missed all of you. my few months away were like getting stuck on a crossword clue. sometimes you have to put it down for awhile, and when you pick it back up, you figure it out right away.
Title: Re: Marriage and MTF sexuality
Post by: Peggiann on January 26, 2006, 08:18:57 AM
 i am such an obsessed gardener...i just love seeds. tiny little things that grow into something amazing. kind of like transition.

Yep that's very true. Personally I think it's one way I can be closer to the earth. I mean it's great to be so in touch and connected. I love the surprises I get. I like coming out and see what has grown for me over night.

I watch Project Runway to. Some of what they design is very pretty and then there's some of the rest.... Where they come up with some of those challenges is beyond me. Not sure what is "Lost" about?

Just PM me when your on line and want to chat. I look frequently throughout the day to see who's on. Maybe we can do it that way and not crunch into your together time. The only games I play online are the Yahoo Pyramid. It's fun My youngest son showed me that site over the holidays. However Two of the boys do play Poker.

Anyway have a Great day and will be chatting sometime.
