Community Conversation => Transsexual talk => Non-Op => Topic started by: Wrenaissance on December 24, 2009, 03:08:55 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Idle Rumination
Post by: Wrenaissance on December 24, 2009, 03:08:55 PM
So, here's a sort of pseudo-philosophical question for the other non-ops:

Would you ever date a non-op transsexual? That is to say, if you were attracted to women, would you date a MtF even if they still had boy parts?

I myself am not sure, but I think I could. Any thoughts?
Title: Re: Idle Rumination
Post by: LordKAT on December 24, 2009, 03:49:15 PM
Probably if the person were interesting without worrying about the wrong parts.
Title: Re: Idle Rumination
Post by: gqueering on December 26, 2009, 02:04:26 AM
Title: Re: Idle Rumination
Post by: pheonix on December 26, 2009, 05:36:41 AM
Quote from: Wrenaissance on December 24, 2009, 03:08:55 PM
So, here's a sort of pseudo-philosophical question for the other non-ops:

Would you ever date a non-op transsexual? That is to say, if you were attracted to women, would you date a MtF even if they still had boy parts?

I myself am not sure, but I think I could. Any thoughts?

My guiding philosophy for dating has been tied to the person, not anatomy.  While the majority of my post-transition dating experiences have been with cis-women, I have dated two trans-women.  They were held to the same standards of the cis-women.
Title: Re: Idle Rumination
Post by: Silver on December 26, 2009, 06:38:55 AM
I would think so, but you never really know until you're in the situation.
Title: Re: Idle Rumination
Post by: Hanlet on January 02, 2010, 06:21:02 PM
Sure, providing I'm attracted to them. If they identify as female, they're female, I don't mind what's down there.
Title: Re: Idle Rumination
Post by: Wrenaissance on January 11, 2010, 05:37:57 PM
It's an interesting quandry, though, isn't it? Like I said, I think I could, but I think that the open-mindedness that allows for that is bred by the fact that we are all transgender.
Title: Re: Idle Rumination
Post by: Laura91 on January 11, 2010, 06:02:23 PM
I would do that as long as they were a nice person. I could care less about what is in their pants.
Title: Re: Idle Rumination
Post by: spacial on January 12, 2010, 11:32:37 AM
Quote from: Laura91 on January 11, 2010, 06:02:23 PM
I would do that as long as they were a nice person. I could care less about what is in their pants.

That is exactly the response I will give.

Can't put it any better really.
Title: Re: Idle Rumination
Post by: DamagedChris on January 14, 2010, 12:57:26 PM
I would...HOWEVER...I probably wouldn't date anyone in the "middle andro stage" of passing. I'd be too worried about myself being outed in proximity to them, and being bi I would also question what parts of them I found attractive. One thing I have noticed is that my brain works on a very binary even though I am attracted to both sexes, my brain will assign a male or female tag to them. I'd feel really bad if I dated an early stage FtM and found out I was attracted to his feminine appearance.

That said, personality always dominates my choice in relationships. FtM, MtF, bio male or female, depends if I enjoy spending time with that person.
Title: Re: Idle Rumination
Post by: Walter on January 16, 2010, 10:20:29 PM
Yeah I would date a Non-op
Title: Re: Idle Rumination
Post by: Shana A on January 16, 2010, 10:38:23 PM
The gender identity/sex of my partner doesn't matter, I'm attracted to the person.

Title: Re: Idle Rumination
Post by: tekla on January 16, 2010, 10:48:52 PM
I'm with Z here, I date people, not members of certain groups.