General Discussions => Hobbies => Writing => Topic started by: june bug on December 28, 2009, 07:46:14 AM Return to Full Version

Title: 5:41 am jingle jangle
Post by: june bug on December 28, 2009, 07:46:14 AM
It has been a while since I have written
Freed tense, muscles ache, back tightened with the crooning and craning of work

Effort.  Effortless.

I will let these words flow with out force, for there is nothing worse than to have them pent back against a wall of fear and unforgiving chains.

Tender.  As I stretch.  Reach out.  Within.  My neck, my head.  Finding a moment to relax.  Something so impossible.  So unreachable, yet every time more tangible.

I will become one with that great thing.  That dream that was once beyond the clouds.  Now my head is up in it.

I can't forget where I have come from.  My feet on the ground, but no longer anchored in anger.  Roots digging deep, nurtured, no longer shackles.  Heckled, hacked, cut up, and torn apart.  Tough bark gives way to green vines, flowers, roses.

Thorny side veil the sweet chamber lost in stones and towers tumbling to the ground for the maiden lost and never had the chance to slumber freely in a bed made of old oak.  Velvet maroon curtains.  Blood flows down endless.  Tidal waves.  Tides against the shore.

I'm sure there this life will be forgiving eventually.