News and Events => Opinions & Editorials => Topic started by: Allamakee on January 11, 2010, 12:47:26 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Coexist with your surroundings without fear or shame
Post by: Allamakee on January 11, 2010, 12:47:26 AM
Coexist with your surroundings without fear or shame
The Rainbow Times (Connecticut/Vermont)
by Deja Nicole Greenlaw/
Jan. 7, 2010 - Feb. 3, 2010 ( (page 6)

As I look back at all the New Years that I've seen, I am amazed at how much things have changed for the better for all of us in the LBGT community, and yes, even for the T segment! Many Ts are coming out these days and many of them choose to be out and proud. This is a far cry from even 10 years ago when hardly anyone chose to be visibly out.....Most of us were very, very ashamed that we were Transgender. We were so careful about being Trans that we continually covered our
tracks so that no one could ever find out about us as our lives would be ruined forever! "Whaaat?? You want to be a woman (man)!! What the heck is wrong with you?? You need help and get away from me you weirdo!!" We were truly scared of being discovered.