General Discussions => Spirituality => Christianity => Topic started by: Alicia Marie on January 23, 2010, 02:41:39 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Christianity question for MtF's (may apply to FtM's)
Post by: Alicia Marie on January 23, 2010, 02:41:39 AM
  First, let me begin by saying that this question is not to judge, condemn, ridicule nor try to save or convert anyone.
  As I study I wonder if the following spiritual things have been brought to light in anyone's life? I know that from time to time I ask myself why about various thoughts, feelings and such.
  Setting aside the natural body and world we live in can we ponder some spiritual things in the word of God? Why would a male to female transsexual feel as they do and how could it apply with scripture.

  Isaiah 54:5,6
[5] For thy Maker is thine husband; the LORD of hosts is his name; and thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel; The God of the whole earth shall he be called.
[6] For the LORD hath called thee as a woman forsaken and grieved in spirit, and a wife of youth, when thou wast refused, saith thy God.

  Could it be that just maybe some are trying to do in the natural what the Lord is trying to tell them in their spirit and soul? Peradventure that he is calling them "as a woman" to be his eternal bride and they are discerning it in a natural sense?
  David spoke of this same thing in Psalm 34:2.

[2] My soul shall make her boast in the LORD: the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad.

  The entire word of God does reveal that the Lord is going to return for the bride that he shed his blood to redeem from the plague of death and bondage of sin.
  It seems that David knew that his soul was the female.
  With the above spoken by the one that was a man after God's own heart it is safe to assume that he saw the spiritual things whereby even though he was a great king he was but a woman in the eyes of God. The woman his Lord would return for was put into a male body.
  This is why I say this post is not to criticize nor condemn. It is just food for thought. There could be some that have had reassignment surgery and such that have made a very sincere sacrifice when going against the so-called norm and what many believe to be true.
  If what I posted is indeed true I personally would not be the one to call such lost.
  I imagine that the same could hold true for female to male transsexuals since scripture does indeed hold that Christians are "soldiers for Christ."
  Maybe some are feeling that calling and thinking it is something to be done in the natural rather than in the spiritual.
  At any rate, I am not saying that transsexual people are saved or not saved. I am not saying that they missed God or walk with Him.
  The thing I have noticed is that the word of God says that the way we live shows what we believe about spiritual things. The Lord said that we would be witnesses unto him.
  I have wondered if many who buy new homes do the same in a sense.
  The first thing they do is to remodel it.
  Yet, the word of God says that we are the temple of the Holy Ghost and that Christ dwells in our hearts by faith. A spiritual house, per se.
  Maybe instead of remodelling that new home they should seek to please God and be a remodelled house of God themselves. Someone that has repented and starts to try to please God according to the scriptures and remodel that new home in the natural after becoming a new home themselves.
  Maybe it is a way that God is calling out discreetly to non-believers as well to be a part of His kingdom where there is neither male nor female.
  Anyway, something to think about. I'm sure the non-Christians will have a field day with this one. But, it is something worth thinking about if we wish to please God and walk as he wants instead of how we want.
  I personally cannot say one way or the other. Maybe some of the ministers on this site have ideas on this. They are better at dealing with this than I.
May God bless,
Title: Re: Christianity question for MtF's (may apply to FtM's)
Post by: justmeinoz on January 27, 2010, 06:54:22 AM
ineresting food for thought. It seems  similar to the Jewish concept of 'repairing the world' , which has been raised in a similar context.