General Discussions => General discussions => Topic started by: Robyn on November 11, 2006, 11:07:51 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Home at Last!
Post by: Robyn on November 11, 2006, 11:07:51 PM
Home at last; home at last.  Thank Spirit I'm home at last.

I have finished my 'recall to duty,' 18+ months of full time work 2400 miles from home.  During that time, I was made the project manager of our 25-year Navy project again; my boss sent me home and then called me back again 2 months later and promptly resigned.  Our Navy client through all those years decided to retire and move on; and we won another 5-year contract.  Some people left, others semiretired, and new people arrived. 

It was a very busy time, and I'm glad my husband followed me there and spent many of those months helping me to keep my sanity. 

Although it's nice to be needed, and it's nice to be well-rewarded financially, it's awfully nice to be back in our comfy, though dusty and rain-soaked, home.  Also very nice is the fact that my transition and SRS 6+ years ago have never been an obstacle with my company, the Navy, or the people I've worked with.  Talent, hard work and dedication are what count in our business.

So I don't have to get on an airplane for 3 whole weeks, and I only have to interrupt our vacation with one week of work travel.  My husband says he can cope with my leaving him alone on Maui for a week.

Thanks for listening.  It's just so good to drop the long workweeks and to let someone else lead. 

Tired but smiling Robyn